Author: arshad

Annual Increase In Pension dt 10.09.2024 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Annual Increase In Pension Reference subject noted above. 2. On the recommendations of Pay and Pension Commission- 2020, it has been decided that henceforth annual increase in pension shall be granted at 80% of average inflation rate for the last two years. For this purpose, the Year-on-Year Consumer Price Index (CPI) as announced by State Bank of Pakistan shall be used as reference. 3.Existing instructions on the subject shall stand amended to the extent of above with immediate effect. The subject “Annual Increase in Pension dt 10.09.2024” refers to changes or…

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Prison Security Allowance – @ One Month Initial Basic Pay 2017 dt 22.11.2021 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Prison Security Allowance No.FD.PR.6-8/2004. In pursuance of the approval of the Competent Authority, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to grant of Prison Security Allowance @ One Month Initial Basic Pay of Basic Pay Scales, 2017 w.e.f. 01.11.2021 to the officers/officials of Prison Department 2.With the introduction of the subject allowance, existing Prison Allowance granted vide Notification No. SO (Prs)18-24/2009 dated 23.03.2010 will be discontinued. The said allowance will not be admissible to the following officers/officials: The “Prison Security Allowance” mentioned as “@ One…

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Prison Allowance to Prison Staff w.e.f 01.07.2022 dt 22.07.2022 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Prison Allowance to Prison Staff No.FD.PR.6-8/2004. In pursuance of the approval of the Provincial Cabinet, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to grant Prison Allowance to the Officers/ Officials of Prison Department w.e.f. 01.07.2022 at the following rates: Sr. No.BPSRate Of Prison Allowance (Rs)11-43,000/-25-115,000/-312-167,500/-41740,000/-51860,000/-61970,000/-72095,000/-8211,00,000/- The said allowance will not be admissible to the following officers/ Officers/Officials under suspension. Officers/Officials who have been made OSDS or who have been directed to report to the Prisons Department/Home Department/S&GAD on the charges of inefficiency/misconduct or indiscipline. When Officer/Official is on leave…

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Waiver Of Recovery Of Overpayment In Case Of Inadmissible Advance Increments -Judgment 31.01.2000 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Waiver Of Recovery Of Overpayment In Case Of Inadmissible Advance Increments Learned counsel for petitioner after examining reply filed by respondents and the Prospectus of Government College of Technology. Road Campus, Lahore does not press the petition, provided in dance with dictum laid by this Court in case Engineer-in-Chief Branch (PLD 1992 SC 207) respondents are restrained from recovering the amount already received by petitioner. Learned Additional Advocate-General in view of said reported judgement does not object to the same Even otherwise it is…

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Tax Exemption Certificate on 0% rate Supplies dt 10.07.2024 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Tax Exemption Certificate It is apprised that before promulgation of Finance Act, 2024, the Commissioner was empowered to issue withholding tax exemption certificate at zero or reduced rate certificate under section 153(4) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 subject to discharge of advance tax liability. Through Finance Act 2024, certain changes have been made in this regard. Your attention is invited towards amendment brought in sub-section 153(4) of the Income Tax Ordinance. 2001 through Finance Act, 2024 which is reproduced hereunder for the sake of ease :-…

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Regular Appointment Under Prime Minister Package To Families Of Government Servant Who Die In Service – Federal dt 23.12.2023 OFFICE MAMORANDUM Subject: Regular Appointment Under Prime Minister Package To Families Of Government Servant Who Die In Service The undersigned is directed to refer to this Division’s O.M No. 7/40/2005-E.2 dated 13-06-2006 and O.M. 8/10/2013-E-2 dated 04-12-2015 on the above noted subject and to state that the Prime Minister has been pleased to approve following amendment / addition under the item “Employment”: 2. The Prime Minister has further been pleased to approve that the services of contract employees appointed under PMAP-2006…

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Printing of Vendor Name and Account Number on System Generated Cheques -AG dt 01.01.2024 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Printing of Vendor Name and Account Number on System Generated Cheques PUC is a letter received from Director FABS on the directions of the Controller General of Accounts, Islamabad vide No. CGA/FABS/CGA/2018/509 dated 28.11.2023. 02- As per directive cheques printed through SAP system must contain Vendor Name and Bank Account number for vendors of Companies, Business Owners, Firms and all Employees (Government and Non Government). 03- As per FABS and SAP – CC consultant, to update vendor record in SAP Vendor Master Data,…

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Regularization of School Guards under the Punjab Regularization Act 2018 dt 13.02.2023 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Regularization of School Guards under the Punjab Regularization I am directed to refer to letters from different District Education Authorities received for seeking advice regarding regularization of School Guards. 2.The matter has been examined and found that:- (b) Regular vacancy allocated for initial recruitment is available for regularization.” 3.Therefore, the School Guards cannot be regularized as per act and policy. The school guards were hired temporarily under a special policy after the tragic Army Public School attack in 2014. This policy, called the Recruitment…

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Police Law and Order Allowance to Traffic Police dt 30.11.2022 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Police Law and Order Allowance to Traffic Police No. HP-II/2-24/2020: In pursuance of approval of Provincial Cabinet in its 03 meeting held on 04.11.2022, Sanction is hereby accorded to the following: 2.The above allowance will not be admissible to the following officers/officials: Who are waiting for posting other than those already mentioned above. The Police Law and Order Allowance for Traffic Police, dated 30th November 2022, is a special monetary benefit provided to police officers, especially those working in traffic management. Traffic police officers play a critical…

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Arrear Payment of Allowances Against Closed Heads dt 23.11.2022 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Arrear Payment of Allowances Against Closed Heads I am directed to refer to your letter bearing No. TM-1/2-3(iv)/2022-23/3066 dated 02-11-2022 on the subject noted above and to state that the heads of accounts for adhoc relief allowances, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021 are budgeted for the FY 2022-23. Therefore, the existing heads of accounts may be used for payment of arrears in respect of said allowances during CFY 2022-23. However, in case of unfunded object heads in succeeding financial years, the head of account A01270-Others may be…

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