Upgradation of the Post of Junior Clerk, Senior Clerk, Assistant
I am directed to state that the Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to upgrade the posts of Junior Clerk, Senior Clerk, Assistant /Head Clerk and Superintendent, in relaxation of ban on up-gradation of posts, with effect from 01.01.2016.
Sr No | Name of the Post | Existing BS | Upgraded BS |
1 | Superintendent | 16 | 17 |
2 | Assistant /Head Clerk | 14 | 16 |
3 | Senior Clerk | 9 | 14 |
4 | Junior Clerk | 7 | 11 |
The incumbents of the upgraded posts will also be stand upgraded and their pay will be fixed at the stage next above their basic pay in their lower pay scale with immediate effect.
2. There will be no change in pay of those Superintendents who were granted time scale BS-17 vide this Department’s Notification No FD.PC.14-19/2014 dated 04.03.2015. However they will be entitled to allowances as admissible to other officers in BS-17 as per prevailing instructions.
3. The review of required qualification and skills for the new entrants, rationalizations of different cadres and amendments in the requisite service rules shall be discussed subsequently by the cabinet committee constituted by the Chief Minister for improving the administrative and governance structure.
4. The expenditure incurred on the above up-gradation of posts shall be borne by the respective Administrative Departments/Autonomous Bodies/District Governments. No Supplementary grant will be issued in this regard.
Services and General Department has also clarified the time Scale Promotion vide https://s2e.com.pk/clarification-time-scale-promotion-to-the-employees-in-bs-5-to-bs-16-dated-19-04-2016/
Further clarification related to stagnant post in BS-16 & Above https://s2e.com.pk/time-scale-promotion-to-officer-in-bs-16-and-above-having-stagnant-post-dt-16-06-2020-2/.