Upgradation Of Posts Of Teacher Of Education Department.01.01.2018
Subject: Upgradation Of Posts Of Teacher
Kindly refer to your letter No. DAO/GRW/PR-1/HM/857089, dated 11.11.2017 addressed to Accountant General, Punjab and copy endorsed to this Department, on the subject cited above.
2. You are informed that all the incumbents of the post of PSTS/ESES (all categories), ESTS/ESEs (all categories) will be upgraded from BS-09 to BS-14 and BS-14 10 BS-15 respectively. All the incumbents of the posts of SSTS/SSEs (all categories) will be granted two annual increments w.e.f. 01.01.2018. All the incumbents of the posts of ESTs who are working in Bs-15 (Personal) will be upgraded from BS-15 to BS-16 (Personal) and those working in BS-16 (Personal) are entitled to the grant of two annual increments w.e.f 01.01.2018.