Upgradation of Post of Budget and Accounts Examiner dt 16.12.2019
Upgradation of Post of Budget & Accounts Examiner
I am directed to refer to your No DAO/MN/PR-l/HM/3ßS dated 11.09.2019 on the subject and to state that the case has been examined and it is observed that the post of budget & Accounts Examiner carrying BS-11 was not included Finance Department’s policy letter NO FD.PC.4D-4Y2017(B) dated 14.12.2018. However, Finance Department’s letter NO.FD.PC.40-4V2017, dated 24.07.2019 caters to such deficiency in case of similarly placed posts. As such, on the of scale the under consideration post, i.e. which is at Sr. No.2 of the Table of NO FD.PC.40-43/2017(B) dated 14.12.2018, the post Of Budget & Accounts Examiner needs to re-designated as Accountant (BS-15) in of this Department’s No,FDPC40-43/2017 dated 24.07.2019 and further action may be taken accordingly in the light of provisions of the said letter