Clarification – Non Entitlement of Special Allowance 2021 @ 25% dt 06.04.2023
Subject: Special Allowance 2021
I am directed to refer to your letters No.TM-1/2-3A(iv)/4/2022-23/4116-13267 dated 01.03.2023 and 14.02.2023 on the subject cited above and to state that Finance Department vide para-2 of its letter No. FD.SR.V.3-2/2021 dated 15.03.2022 has already clarified that the employees who are drawing allowances which are equal to or more than 25% of initial of basic pay scale 2017 are not entitled for special allowance 2021, hence, there is no need to fix an amount in the light of para 2 of letter No. FD.SR.V.3-2/2021 dated 15.03.2022.