Punjab Government Rules of Business amendment – Agriculture dt 04.10.2024
Subject: Rules of Business amendment
No.SO(CAB-I)2-3/2024(ROB). In exercise of the powers conferred under Article 139 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan read with rule 49 of the Punjab Government Rules of Business 2011, Governor of the Punjab is pleased to make the following amendments in the Punjab Government Rules of Business 2011, with immediate effect:
In the Punjab Government Rules of Business 2011:
In First Schedule:
(a) At Sr. No. 1 [Agriculture Department]:
(i) In column 3, under the heading “Head of Attached Department”, the existing entries at item Nos. (x), (xii) and (xiii) shall be omitted; and (ii) In column 4, under the heading “Autonomous Bodies & Companies”, the existing entry at item No. (V) shall be omitted.
(b) At Sr. No. 1A [Agriculture Department, South Punjab], In column 3, under the heading “Head of Attached Department”, the existing entry at item No. (vi) shall be omitted. (c) At Sr. No. 12 [Food Department], the existing entries in columns 2 to 4 shall be omitted. (d) At Sr. No. 20 [Industries, Commerce, Investment and Skills Development Department], in column 3, under the heading “Head of Attached Department”, the existing entry at item No. (II) shall be omitted. (e) After Sr. No. 31 [Population Welfare Department], in columns 1, 2, 3, and 4, the following shall be inserted:
Sr. No. | Secretariat Department | Head of Attached Department | Autonomous Bodles Companies |
Price control & Commodities Management Department | (i) Director General (Commodities). (ii) Director General (Food)/Cane Commissioner, Punjab. (iii) Director of Agriculture (Economic and Marketing), Punjab. (iv) Director Punjab Institute Agriculture Marketing. (v) Director, Consumer Protection Council. |
(f) The existing Sr. Nos. at 31A and 31B shall be re-numbered as 31B and 31C respectively.
(2) In Second Schedule: (a) Under the heading “AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT”:
(i) The existing entry at Sr. No. 6 shall be omitted; and (ii) At Sr. No. 30, the existing entries at item Nos. ix and xxv. shall be omitted.
(b) The heading and all entries under the heading “FOOD DEPARTMENT” shall be omitted.
(i) existing entries at Sr. No. 13 and 14 shall be omitted; and (ii) at Sr. No. 23, existing entries at item Nos. xvii. and xxi. shall be omitted.
(d) After the existing entries under the heading “POPULATION WELFARE DEPARTMENT”, the following shall be inserted:
Legislation, policy formulation and planning as a measure of food security through:
(a) Wheat procurement. (b) Construction and maintenance of storage accommodation. (c) Storage of wheat. (d) Financial arrangements with the banks. (e) Transportation of wheat. (f) Release of wheat and its overall monitoring.
2. (a) Administration of food laws. (b) Policies and measures to ensure provision of safe and quality food and hygiene. (c) Regulation of food business and policies and measures for the elimination of food adulteration. (d) Nutrition surveys, nutrition awareness and publicity with regard to food safety.
(e) Any other matter relating to food and food business.
3. Regulation of flour mills and sugar mills.
4. (a) Registration of contractors. (b) Tendering and award of contract.
5. Determine, monitor and report the wholesale and retail prices of all essential commodities across Punjab. 6. Consumers’ rights protection through:
(a) Consumer Protection Councils.
(b) Consumer Courts.
7. Maintain, analyze and document comprehensive data base of demand and supply throughout the year of essential commodities; while keeping in view seasonal production, seasonal shortages, origins, crop failures in critical production areas, essential commodities importers, essential commodities middleman, essential commodities transporters, etc. 8. Develop complete supply chain management in coordination and consultation with all relevant stakeholders. 9. Monitor and implement the supply chain management plans of all essential commodities in coordination with relevant stakeholders. 10. Economic studies, planning and policy making relating to essential commodities demand and supply. 11. Necessary subvention for disadvantaged groups and areas. 12. Document all public and private storages for essential commodities. 13. Market Information and Intelligence system and matters common to all Market Committees. 14. Generate reports relating to the data of critical markets and performance monitoring of all line offices. 15. Inter-Provincial trade matters. 16. Budget, accounts and audit matters. 17. Service matters except those entrusted to Services and General Administration Department. 18. Administration of the following laws and the rules framed thereunder:
i. The Punjab Sugar Factories Control Act, 1950 (XXII of 1950).
ii. The Punjab Foodstuffs (Control) Act, 1958 (XX of 1958).
iii. The Punjab Vegetable Market (Lahore) Ordinance, 1963 (XXI of 1963).
iv. The Punjab Finance Act, 1964 (XXXIV of 1964).
v. The Punjab Consumer Protection Act 2005 (II of 2005).
vi. The Punjab Food Authority Act 2011 (XVI of 2011).
vii. The Punjab Agricultural Marketing Regulatory Authority Act 2018 (XXIX of 2018).
viii. The Punjab Price Control of Essential Commodities Act 2024 (VII of 2024).
19. Matters incidental and ancillary to the above subjects.