Revision of Rates of Conveyance Allowance dt 18.07.2014
Subject: Revision of Rates
I am directed to state that the Government has decided to enhance the Conveyance Allowance by 5% for employees in BS-1 to BS-15 as under:
BPS | Existing Rate | Revised Rate |
1-4 | Rs. 1,700/- p.m. | Rs. 1,785/- p.m. |
5-10 | Rs. 1,840/- p.m. | Rs. 1,932/- p.m. |
11-15 | Rs. 2,720/- p.m. | Rs. 2,856/- p.m. |
- The above-said Conveyance Allowance shall be admissible to all civil servants of the Punjab Government in the pay scale BS-1 to BS-15 w.e.f. 1st July, 2014, wherever these are applicable as per rules.