Revision of Pay Scales 2011 dt 11.07.2011
Subject: Revision of Pay Scales 2011
I am directed to state that the Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to sanction Revision of Basic Pay Scales, Allowances and Pension with effect from 1st July, 2011 for the Civil Servants of the Punjab Government as detailed in the succeeding paragraphs:
2. Revision of Basic Pay Scales:
The Basic Pay Scales – 2011 shall replace the Basic Pay Scales – 2008 with effect from 01.07.2011 as contained in the Annexure to this Notification.
3. Fixation of Pay of the Existing Employees (w.e.f. 01.07.2011):
i) The basic pay of an employee who was in service on 30.06.2011 shall be fixed in the Basic Pay Scales – 2011 on point to point basis, i.e., at the stage corresponding to that occupied by him/her above the minimum of Basic Pay Scales – 2008.
ii) In case of Personal Pay being drawn by an employee as part of his/her basic pay beyond the maximum of his/her pay scale on 30.06.2011, he/she shall continue to draw such pay in the Basic Pay Scales – 2011 at the revised rates.
4. Annual Increment:
Annual increment shall continue to be admissible, subject to the existing conditions, on 1st of December each year. However, the first annual increment of existing employees in Basic Pay Scales – 2011, in which their pay is fixed as on 01.07.2011 shall accrue on the 1st of December, 2011.
5. Ad-hoc Relief Allowances granted upto 01.07.2009:
The following Ad-hoc Relief Allowances granted upto 01.07.2009 shall stand discontinued with effect from 01.07.2011 having been merged in the Basic Pay Scales – 2008 so as to introduce Basic Pay Scales – 2011:
Sr. No. | Name of Ad-hoc Allowance | Notification No. & Date | Admissible Rates |
i) | Special Additional Allowance – 1999 (01.07.1999) | FD.PC.2-2/99 dated 27.07.1999 | 25% (BS 1-16) and 20% (BS 17-22) on BPS – 1994 |
ii) | Special Relief Allowance – 2003 (01.07.2003) | FD.PC.2-1/2003 dated 11.07.2003 | 15% of the basic pay on BPS – 2001 |
iii) | Ad-hoc Relief – 2004 (01.07.2004) | FD.PC.2-1/2004 dated 21.07.2004 | 15% of the basic pay on BPS – 2001 |
iv) | Dearness Allowance – 2006 (01.07.2006) | FD.PC.2-1/2006 dated 22.07.2006 | 15% of the basic pay on BPS – 2005 |
v) | Ad-hoc Relief Allowance – 2009 (01.07.2009) | FD.PC.2-2/2009 dated 24.07.2009 | 20% (BS 1-16) and 15% (BS 17-22) on BPS – 2008 |
6. Ad-hoc Allowance – 2010 (if admissible):
i) The Ad-hoc Allowance – 2010 @ 50% of the running basic pay of Basic Pay Scales – 2008 admissible to the Civil Servants (if admissible in that organization) has already been frozen at the level of its admissibility as on 01.07.2010 vide Finance Department’s notification No.FD.PC.2-2/2010 dated 11.11.2010 and subsequently through notification No.FD.PC.2-2/2010(1226/10) dated 12.01.2011.
ii) All the new entrants shall be allowed Ad-hoc Allowance – 2010 @ 50% of the minimum of relevant Basic Pay Scales – 2008 (if admissible in that organization) on notional basis with effect from 01.07.2011, till further orders, and shall stand frozen at the same level.
7. Ad-hoc Relief Allowance – 2011:
i) An Ad-hoc Relief Allowance – 2011 @ 15% of the running basic pay of Basic Pay Scales – 2008 to all the Civil Servants of the Punjab Government including contract employees employed against civil posts in Basic Pay Scales on standard terms and conditions of contract appointment shall be allowed with effect from 01.07.2011 and shall stand frozen at the same level. This Allowance will not be admissible to contract employees appointed on fixed pay package.
ii) All the new entrants shall be allowed Ad-hoc Relief Allowance – 2011 @ 15% of the minimum of relevant Basic Pay Scales – 2008 on notional basis with effect from 01.07.2011, till further orders, and shall stand frozen at the same level.
iii) The Ad-hoc Relief Allowance will be subject to Income Tax.
iv) The Ad-hoc Relief Allowance will be admissible during leave and entire period of LPR.
v) The Ad-hoc Relief Allowance will not be treated as part of emoluments for the purpose of calculation of Pension/Gratuity and recovery of House Rent.
vi) The Ad-hoc Relief Allowance will not be admissible to the employees during the tenure of their posting/deputation abroad.
vii) The Ad-hoc Relief Allowance will be admissible to the employees on their repatriation from posting/deputation abroad at the rate and amount which would have been admissible to them had they not been posted abroad.
viii) The Ad-hoc Relief Allowance will be admissible during the period of suspension.
ix) The term “Basic Pay” for the purpose of Ad-hoc Relief Allowance – 2011 will also include the amount of the personal pay granted on account of annual increment(s) beyond the maximum of the existing pay scales.
8. Medical Allowance:
i) Medical Allowance admissible to Civil Servants in BS-16 to BS-22 @ 15% of the existing basic pay in Basic Pay Scales – 2008 shall continue to be admissible at the frozen level of its admissibility as on 01.07.2010.
ii) All the new entrants in BS-16 to BS-22 shall be allowed Medical Allowance @ 15% of the minimum of relevant Basic Pay Scales – 2008 on notional basis with effect from 01.07.2011, till further orders, and shall stand frozen at the same level.
9. Special Pays and Allowances:
All the Special Pays, Special Allowances or the Allowances admissible as percentage of pay (excluding those which are capped by fixing maximum limit) including House Rent Allowance and the Allowances/Special Allowances equal to initial or basic pay granted to any employee of Punjab Government including Punjab Police, Border Military Police, D.G. Khan & Rajanpur, Baluch Levy D.G. Khan, Prisons, Directorate of Reclamation & Probation, Judiciary, MPDD, teaching/non-teaching staff of teaching institutes including employees of Directorate of Special Education and employees of other Departments shall stand frozen at the level of its admissibility as on 30.06.2011.
10. Conveyance Allowance:
i) Conveyance Allowance shall be admissible to all the civil servants in BS-1 to BS-15 on revised rates as under:
S. No. | BPS | Existing Rate | Revised Rate |
i) | BS 1-4 | Rs.680/- p.m. | Rs.850/- p.m. |
ii) | BS 5-10 | Rs.920/- p.m. | Rs.1,150/- p.m. |
iii) | BS 11-15 | Rs.1,360/- p.m. | Rs.1,700/- p.m. |
ii) All the Civil Servants of the Punjab Government (excluding those who are availing sanctioned official vehicle) shall be allowed Conveyance Allowance at the prescribed rates irrespective of their place/station of duty.
iii) Those Civil Servants who are already drawing Mobility Allowance (in case of teachers of schools/colleges of Education Department and staff of schools of Mines & Minerals Department) or Car Allowance (in case of members of Lahore High Court Establishment as well as employees of Sub-ordinate Judiciary) in areas other than big cities would have the option either to adopt the new prescribed rates of Conveyance Allowance or to continue the previous allowance under the respective nomenclature.
iv) Employees of Sub-ordinate Judiciary in areas other than big cities are already drawing Conveyance Allowance at prescribed rates as a special case. They would, henceforth draw the same at revised rates under the existing policy.
11. Miscellaneous Allowances:
Rates of the following Allowances have been revised as noted against each:
Sr. No. | Name of Allowance | Existing Rates | Revised Rates |
i) | Integrated Allowance for N/Qasids, Qasids, Daftries, Frashes, Chowkidars, Sweepers & Sweepresses (Security Guards would also be entitled to the same w.e.f. 1.7.2011) | Rs.150/- p.m. | Rs.300/- p.m. |
ii) | Washing Allowance | Rs.30/- p.m. | Rs.100/- p.m. |
iii) | Dress Allowance | Rs.35/- p.m. | Rs.100/- p.m. |
iv) | Uniform Allowance for Nurses | Rs.300/- p.m. | Rs.600/- p.m. |
12. Revision of Pension:
All the existing Civil Pensioners of the Punjab Government have been allowed an increase in their pension at the following rate with effect from 1st July, 2011, until further orders:
i) Pensioners who retired on or after 01.07.2002 @ 15% of the net pension.
ii) Pensioners who retired on or before 30.06.2002 @ 20% of net pension.
13. On introduction of the Basic Pay Scales – 2011, the increases in pension allowed vide this Department’s notifications No.FD.PC.2-1/2005 dated 16.07.2005; FD(SR.III)4-80/2006 dated 22.07.2006 & FD.SR.III.4-104/2009 dated 25.07.2009 shall be discontinued to the new pensioners who would retire on or after 01.07.2011 who opt to draw pension under the Basic Pay Scales – 2011.
14. However, 15% increases in pension allowed vide this Department’s notification No.FD.SR.III.4-108/2010(A) dated 15.07.2010 shall continue to be admissible to the new pensioners who would retire on or after 01.07.2011 who opt to draw pension under the Basic Pay Scales – 2011.
15. The 15% increase in pension as mentioned in Para 12(i) above shall also be admissible to the pensioners who would retire on or after 01.07.2011.
16. For the purpose of admissibility of increase in pension for the Civil Pensioners sanctioned in this Notification the term “Net Pension” means “Pension being drawn” minus “Medical Allowance”, which shall be continued to be admissible at the level of its admissibility as on 30.06.2011.
17. The increase shall also be admissible on family pension granted under the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules as well as on the Compassionate Allowance if being drawn by any pensioner.
18. If the gross pension sanctioned by the Punjab Government is shared with any Government in accordance with the Rules of Punjab Government, the amount of the increase in pension shall be apportioned between the Punjab Government and the other Government concerned on proportionate basis.
19. The increase in pension sanctioned in this Notification shall not be admissible on Special Additional Pension allowed in lieu of admissible pre-retirement Orderly Allowance.
20. The increase in pension shall not be admissible during the period of their re-employment, but the same shall be allowed after the termination of the re-employment contract. However, the increase in pension admissible to the pensioners of the Punjab Government before their re-employment on contract basis shall continue to be admissible to them provided that they are not in receipt of any increases allowed as allowances with their pay in lieu of increases in pension.
21. The benefit of increase in pension sanctioned in this Notification shall also be admissible to those Civil Pensioners of the Punjab Government who are residing abroad (other than those residing in India and Bangladesh) who retired on or after 15.08.1947 and are not entitled to, or are not in receipt of pension increase under the British Government’s Pension (Increases) Acts. The payment shall be made at the applicable rate of exchange.
22. Medical Allowance for the Pensioners:
i) Medical Allowance admissible to the existing retired Civil Servants in BS-1 to BS-15 and in BS-16 to BS-22 @ 25% and @ 20% of the net pension respectively shall continue to be admissible at the frozen level of its admissibility as on 30.06.2011 and till further orders.
ii) All the Civil Servants in BS-1 to BS-15 and in BS-16 to BS-22, who shall retire on or after 01.07.2011 onwards, shall be allowed Medical Allowance @ 25% and @ 20% of the net pension respectively and shall stand frozen at the same level.
23. Option:
i) All the existing Civil Servants (BS-1 to 22) of the Punjab Government shall, within 60 days from the date of issue of this notification, exercise an option in writing and communicate it to the Account General Punjab/District Accounts Office/DDO concerned, as the case may be, either to continue to draw salary in the Basic Pay Scales-2008 or in the Basic Pay Scales – 2011 as specified in this notification. Option once exercised shall be considered final.
ii) An existing employee, as aforesaid, who does not exercise and communicate such an option within the specified time limit, shall be deemed to have opted for the Basic Pay Scales – 2011.
24. All the existing rules/orders on the subject shall be considered to have been modified to the extent indicated above. All the existing rules/orders not so modified shall continue to be in force under this scheme.
25. Anomalies:
An Anomaly Committee shall be set up in the Finance Department (Regulations Wing) to resolve the anomalies, if any, arising in the implementation of the Basic Pay Scales – 2011 and Pension.
Annexure to Notification No.FD.PC.2-1/2011dated Lahore, the 11th July, 2011
BPS | Basic Pay Scales – 2008 | Basic Pay Scales – 2011 | ||||||
1 | 2,970 | 90 | 5,670 | 30 | 1 | 4,800 | 150 | 9,300 |
2 | 3,035 | 100 | 6,035 | 30 | 2 | 4,900 | 170 | 10,000 |
3 | 3,140 | 120 | 6,740 | 30 | 3 | 5,050 | 200 | 11,050 |
4 | 3,240 | 140 | 7,440 | 30 | 4 | 5,200 | 230 | 12,100 |
5 | 3,340 | 160 | 8,140 | 30 | 5 | 5,400 | 260 | 13,200 |
6 | 3,430 | 175 | 8,680 | 30 | 6 | 5,600 | 290 | 14,300 |
7 | 3,565 | 190 | 9,230 | 30 | 7 | 5,800 | 320 | 15,400 |
8 | 3,715 | 210 | 9,965 | 30 | 8 | 6,000 | 350 | 16,500 |
9 | 3,820 | 230 | 10,720 | 30 | 9 | 6,200 | 380 | 17,600 |
10 | 3,955 | 260 | 11,755 | 30 | 10 | 6,400 | 420 | 19,000 |
11 | 4,115 | 275 | 12,365 | 30 | 11 | 6,600 | 460 | 20,400 |
12 | 4,355 | 310 | 13,655 | 30 | 12 | 7,000 | 500 | 22,000 |
13 | 4,645 | 340 | 14,845 | 30 | 13 | 7,500 | 550 | 24,000 |
14 | 4,920 | 380 | 16,320 | 30 | 14 | 8,000 | 610 | 26,300 |
15 | 5,220 | 420 | 17,820 | 30 | 15 | 8,500 | 700 | 29,500 |
16 | 6,060 | 470 | 20,160 | 30 | 16 | 10,000 | 800 | 34,000 |
17 | 9,850 | 740 | 24,650 | 20 | 17 | 16,000 | 1,200 | 40,000 |
18 | 12,910 | 930 | 31,510 | 20 | 18 | 20,000 | 1,500 | 50,000 |
19 | 19,680 | 970 | 39,080 | 20 | 19 | 31,000 | 1,600 | 63,000 |
20 | 23,345 | 1,510 | 44,485 | 14 | 20 | 36,000 | 2,350 | 68,900 |
21 | 25,880 | 1,700 | 49,680 | 14 | 21 | 40,000 | 2,600 | 76,400 |
22 | 27,680 | 1,985 | 55,470 | 14 | 22 | 43,000 | 3,050 | 85,700 |