Revision of Pay Scales 1994 dt 18.07.1994
Subject: Revision of Pay Scales 1994
I am directed to state that Governor of the Punjab is pleased to sanction the revision of Basic Pay Scales for the employees of Government of the Punjab drawing pay in BS-1 to BS-22 as detailed in the following paragraphs.
- BASIC PAY SCALES : —— The existing and the revised pay scales are detailed in the annexure ‘A’ of this letter. The revised pay scales shall replace the existing pay scales 1991, in respect of those employees who give option for these pay scales, in terms of para 6(b) and shall be effective from the first of June, 1994.
- INITIAL FIXATION OF PAY : —— The initial fixation of pay of the employees who have been in Government service since before the 1st June, 1994, shall be effected w.e.f. 1-6-1994, in the following manner :(i) Employees in BS-1 to 16. —— By allowing an increase at the rate of 35% of the pay actually drawn on 31-05-1994, the pay of the employees will be fixed at the stage equal to or if there be no stage, at the stage next above.
(ii) Employees in BS-17 and above. — Initial fixation of pay shall be made by allowing 35% increase on the pay actually drawn on 31-05-1994, in the following two phases:
(a) 20% of the increase shall be allowed w.e.f. 1-06-1994 by fixing pay in the relevant scale at the stage equal to or, if there be no stage, at the stage next above.
(b) The remaining 15% increase shall be allowed on and from 1-06-1995 by refixing pay in the relevant pay scale on 1-06-1994 by allowing 35% increase over pay drawn on 31-05-1994. The new pay so fixed will be drawn from 1-06-1995 without any arrears.
(c) The annual increment shall continue to be admissible subject to the existing conditions on the 1st of December each year.
(d) The ad hoc increases allowed as detailed below shall cease to be admissible from 1-06-1994.
(i) Ad hoc relief of Rs. 100/- p.m. sanctioned vide Finance Department, Govt. of the Punjab’s circular letter No. FD-PC-2-1/92 dated 7th September, 1992.
(ii) Additional Ad hoc relief of Rs. 100/- p.m. sanctioned vide Finance Department, Govt. of the Punjab’s circular letter No. FD-PC-2-3/93 dated 20th September, 1993.
(iii) Ad hoc relief of Rs. 50/- p.m. sanctioned vide Finance Department, Govt. of the Punjab’s circular letter No. FD-PC-2-1/94 dated 7th May, 1994.
In cases of promotion from a lower to higher posts/scale before introduction of these scales, the pay of the employees concerned in the revised pay scale may be fixed and so enhanced that it would not be less than the pay that would have been admissible to him if his promotion to the higher post/scale had taken place after the introduction of these scales.
(i) Secretariat Allowance: — With the introduction of new scales of pay, the Secretariat Allowance is abolished w.e.f. 1-06-1994 and the amount actually drawn on 31-05-1994 will be converted into Personal Allowance.
Personal Allowance in case of Government Employees in BS-17 to BS-22 shall be reduced by the amount of annual increments, by which the Government Employee’s pay may be increased after 1-06-1994, and shall cease as soon as his pay is increased by an amount equal to/or more than his Personal Allowance. Those in BS-1 to BS-16 will be exempted from this adjustment to the extent that their Personal Allowance will not be reduced/adjusted.
(ii) Other Allowances, Special Pays etc. — Special pays and other allowances including House Rent Allowance, will be maintained at the level drawn/admissible at the rates as on 31-05-1994.
(a) All existing Government Employees are given option either to draw the existing pay scales plus Secretariat Allowance or the new pay scales plus Personal Allowance in the manner as at 5(i) above. Option to retain existing scale with Secretariat Allowance must, however, be given in writing by the employees concerned to the Audit office/Drawing and Disbursing Officer concerned by 30th July, 1994. Option once exercised shall be final.
(b) An existing Government Employee who does not exercise and communicate such option within the prescribed time limit, shall be deemed to have opted to be governed by the new scales and abolition of Secretariat Allowance.
In the case of persons retiring from 1-06-1994 onwards in BS-17 to BS-22, pension will be recalculated on 1-06-1995 on the basis of pay refixed with 35% increase in the pay in the second phase. New pension will, however, be admissible from 1-06-1995 and no arrears will be admissible.
8. The following relief to the widows, dependents, retarded and incapacitated children and invalid pensioners shall be allowed w.e.f. 1st June, 1994:
(a) Restoration of commuted value/gratuity portion of families on completion of required period.
(b) Grant of family pension to dependent disabled/retarded children for life without any age limit.
(c) Elimination of second medical board for the invalidated pensioners for eligibility of commutation.
9. Government servants who have retired on, or after 1-6-1993, till the introduction of revised Pay Scales i.e. 1-6-1994, be allowed pension/commutation on the basis of pay that would have been admissible to them, had the pay revision been effected on the date of their retirement, discounted by 12%.
10. All existing rules and orders on the subject shall be deemed to have been modified to the extent indicated above. All existing rules and orders not so modified shall continue in force under this scheme.
A committee will be set up in the Finance Department (Regulations Wing), Government of the Punjab, to resolve the anomalies, if any, arising out of the issue of this order.