Revision of Pay Scales 1983 dt 02.03.1986
Subject: Revision of Pay Scales
I am directed to refer to this department’s letter of even number, dated 25th August, 1983, on the subject noted above, and to state that, in partial modification of the provisions of para 5 of the aforesaid letter, it has been decided that the concession of move-over to the next higher pay scale shall be admissible to all civil employees of the Punjab Government in BS 16 to 19 without having to wait at the maximum of the pay scale for three years, with effect from Ist December of the year in which the employee concerned completes one year of such service at the said maximum as counts for increment under the rules. This will be subject to the following conditions:
- All employees who reached the maximum of the scale on or before 1-12-1983 are eligible to the benefit of move-over with effect from 1-12-1984. However, arrears would not be admissible for the period prior to 1-12-1985 to employees other than those technical or professional employees referred to in the letter of 25-8-1983.
- Employees shall not be allowed two successive move-overs. However, if an employee who has moved over to a particular scale is subsequently promoted to a post carrying the same scale, he would again become eligible for a further move-over.
- Move-over cases of employees who are on deputation abroad or are posted to ex- cadre posts abroad would be governed by the existing policy regarding the promotion of such employees.
- A move-over shall not be construed to be a promotion to the next higher basic pay scale, but the higher pay scale will be treated to be an extension of the existing basic pay scale of the post held by the employee. Therefore, the incidence of move-over shall not be notified.
- The pay of employees who are allowed move-over shall be fixed at the stage next above their existing pay in the lower scale. No premature Increment will be admissible.
- In case of a move-over to BPS-20 no entertainment allowance, senior post allowance, residence orderly/orderly allowance or any other fringe benefit(s) shall be admissible.
- Employees allowed a move-over shall not be entitled to any change in the rental ceiling admissible to them. The house rent allowance; which is calculated with reference to the minimum of the relevant basic pay scale, shall, however, be payable on the basis of the pay scale in which the official has moved over.
- An employee should be a regular member of the service, cadre or holder of a post concerned and should have completed five years of service for move-over to BS- 18, 12 years of service for move-over to BPS-19 and 17 years of service for move- over to BPS-20. Service rendered in pay scales below BPS-17 will be computed according to the existing formula.
- In allowing move-overs the competent authority should ensure that the confidential reports of the concerned employees are:
- he shall wait at the maximum of the pay scale till he has earned in succession the requisite number of reports without adverse entry and his move-over shall take effect from 1st December of the year in which the last such report is earned
- average to good in the case of move-over to scale 17 and 18.
- generally good in the case of move-over to scale 19 at least good or above for move-over to BPS-20. It will also ensure that no penalty under the relevant rules has been imposed on the employee being allowed to move-over, during the last five years.