Clarification –Revision of Pay Scale 2011 dt 06.10.2011
Subject: Revision of Pay Scale 2011
Kindly refer to your memo No.PR-17/Contract/HM/414 dated 02.08.2011 on the subject noted above.
2. The contract employees employed against civil posts in Basic Pay Scales on standard terms and conditions of contract appointment under Contract Appointment Policy – 2004 would be entitled to pay as per Revised Basic Pay Scales, 2011 with effect from 1.7.2011 in terms of Para. XIII(i)(a) of Contract Appointment Policy – 2004.
3. Moreover, 30% Social Security Benefit would be entitled on Revised Basic Pay Scales, 2011 with effect from 1.7.2011 in terms of Para XIII(1)(b) of Contract Appointment Policy – 2004.