Revision of Pay Scale 2001
Subject: Revision of Pay Scale 2001
I am directed to state that the Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to sanction with effect from 1st December, 2001, a Scheme of the Basic Pay Scales, Allowances and Pension, 2001 for the employees of Government of the Punjab in BPS-1 to BPS-22 as detailed below: –
- Basic Pay Scales.
The existing basic pay scales and the revised basic pay scales are shown in Annexure-I of this letter. The Revised Basic Pay Scales shall replace the Existing Basic Pay Scales, 1994 and shall be effective from 1st December, 2001. - Discontinuation of Allowances.
The following allowances shall cease to be payable on introduction of the revised pay scales w.e.f. 1-12-2001: –
(i) Cost of Living Allowance to BS-1 to BS-22 @ 7% of basic pay.
(ii) Ad-hoc relief of Rs.300/- p.m. and Rs.100/- p.m. to BS-1 to 16 (inclusive of BPS-17 by virtue of Move Over).
(iii) Secretariat / Personal Allowance.
Special Additional Allowance.
Special Additional Allowance shall be frozen at the level drawn as on date of issue of this Order.
Initial Fixation of Pay.
Pay of the employees in service on 30-11-2001 shall be fixed at the stage in the revised pay scales which is as many stages above the minimum as the stage occupied by him above the minimum of the 1994 Basic Pay Scale.
Pay Fixation on Promotion.
The existing provisions regulating the fixation of pay in case of promotion from lower to a higher post shall continue to apply.
Selection Grade and Move Over.
Selection Grade in the scheme of Basic Pay Scales and Move Over scheme shall stand discontinued w.e.f. the date of issue of this circular letter.
Pay Fixation of employees in Selection Grade and those who have Moved Over to higher scale.
Pay of an existing employee drawing pay by move over shall be fixed with reference to the pay scale of the post for the time being held by him. In case the employee was drawing pay in a Selection Grade, his pay will be fixed in the Selection Grade pay scale. The stage of fixation will be arrived at after allowing increments on notional basis in the original scale of the post or the Selection Grade, in 1994 Basic Pay Scales, upto the point of existing pay. Pay of the employees will then be fixed at the relevant stage in the revised Pay Scales, 2001.
Assistant, BS-11 Selection Grade, as-15, Moved Over BS-16 and in receipt of Pay of Rs. 5490, pay will be fixed in BS-15 i.e. Selection Grade pay scale at Rs. 8320 as under:
1994 Scale | Stage 15 | Stage 16 | Stage 17 | Stage 18 | Stage 19 |
4845 | 5022 | 5199 | 5376 | 5553 | |
2001 Scale | 7260 | 7525 | 7790 | 8055 | 8320 |
Pay fixation of an employee in BS-11 who has moved over to BS-14 and in receipt of basic pay of Rs. 4480/- will be fixed after allowing notional increments in BS-11 of 1994 Basic Pay Scales upto the stage of basic pay drawn. Pay in revised BPS-11 will be fixed at the corresponding stage of Rs. 6790/- as under:
1994 Scale | Stage 15 | Stage 16 | Stage 17 | Stage 18 | Stage 19 | Stage 20 | Stage 21 | Stage 22 | Stage 23 | Stage 24 |
BS-11 | 4480 | 4635 | 4790 | 4945 | 4100 | 4255 | 4210 | 4365 | 4509 | 4653 |
BS-11 | 5215 | 5390 | 5565 | 5470 | 5620 | 5770 | 5919 | 6068 | 6216 | 6440 |
Pay fixation of an employee in BS-5 who has moved over to BS-11 and is in receipt of basic pay of Rs. 4845/- will be fixed after allowing notional increments in BS-5 of 1994 BPS upto the stage of basic pay drawn. Pay in revised BPS-11 will be fixed at the corresponding notional BS-5, (1994 BPS), & resultantly more than the 30 stages of BPS 2001, therefore, his pay will be fixed at the notional 32nd stage of Rs. 5300/-. The difference of Rs. 200/- (Rs. 5300-5100) will be personal to him as under:
BS-5 | Stage-30 | Stage-31 | Stage-32 |
1994 | 3380 | 3446 | 3512 |
BS-5 | 5100 | 5200 | 5300 |
In such cases future increments upto a maximum of 3 years will also be allowed as personal to such employees.
(8) Date of Increment.
Annual increment shall continue to be admissible subject to the existing conditions, on the 1st December each year.
(9) Special Pays / Allowances for Offices.
The Special Pays / Allowances sanctioned to offices as percentage of Pay shall be discontinued on the introduction of revised pay scales w.e.f. 1-12-2001 and adjusted in future increments.
(10) Advance Increments.
The existing scheme of advance increments is discontinued w.e.f. 1-12-2001. A fresh scheme, if any, will be introduced in due course.
(11) Conveyance Allowance.
The rates of Conveyance Allowance and Motorcycle/Motorcar maintenance allowance presently fixed with reference to pay drawn shall be increased and related to Basic Pay Scales as under:
S.No. | Existing | Revised |
(i) | Civil Servants in BS-16 and above maintaining a motor car not registered for commercial purpose – Rs. 355/- p.m. | BS-16 (Gazetted) & above Rs. 620/- p.m. |
(ii) | Civil Servants drawing more than Rs. 3240/- p.m. & above other than those at (i) above – Rs. 193/- p.m. | BS-11 and above Rs. 340/- p.m. |
(iii) | Civil Servants drawing pay of Rs. 1688/- p.m. & above but less than Rs. 3240/- p.m. and maintaining Motorcycle/Scooter – Rs. 130/- p.m. | BS-1 to 10 maintaining Motorcycle/Scooter Rs. 230/- p.m. |
(iv) | Others – Rs. 96/- p.m. | BS-1 to 10 Rs. 170/- p.m. |
(12) Daily Allowance.
Daily Allowance rates presently fixed with reference to pay drawn shall be increased and related to Basic Pay Scales as under:
BPS | Special Rates per day (Rs.) | Ordinary Rates per day (Rs.) |
1-4 | 110 | 100 |
5-11 | 120 | 100 |
12-16 | 200 | 180 |
17-18 | 350 | 320 |
19-20 | 450 | 400 |
21-22 | 550 | 450 |
(13) Medical Allowance.
Medical Allowance to employees in BS-1-15 shall be increased from Rs. 90/- p.m. to Rs. 160/- p.m.
(14) Computer Allowance.
The Computer Allowance shall be increased subject to the existing conditions of admissibility as under:
Rate | Existing Rate | Revised Rate |
(i) | Rs.300/- p.m. | Rs.450/- p.m. |
(ii) | Rs.1000/- p.m. | Rs.1500/- p.m. |
(15) Special Pays/Allowances:
All the Special Pays and Allowances admissible on certain posts as percentage of Pay are revised subject to the following limits:
Revised |
(a) Special Pays/Allowances sanctioned @ 20% and above of Pay. |
(b) Special Pays/Allowances sanctioned @ 10% – 19% of Pay. |
(c) Special Pays/Allowances sanctioned @ 5% – 9% of Pay. |
(16) Pension.
The Government has made the following reforms in pension/commutation scheme w.e.f. 1-12-2001 in respect of civil pensioners of the Punjab Government:
(a) Commutation Table shall be replaced by the new Commutation Table at Annexure-II to this circular letter.
(b) Commutation upto 40% of gross pension shall be admissible at the option of the pensioner.
(c) The additional benefit of 2% – 10% for extra years of service after completion of 30 years of qualifying service in respect of Civil Pensioners shall be discontinued.
(d) The increase in pension @ 20% – 25% to Civil Pensioners allowed vide this Department’s letter No. FD.SR.III-4-72/99, dated 27-7-1999, shall be discontinued.
(e) The benefit of restoration of surrendered portion of pension in lieu of commutation/gratuity shall be withdrawn.
(f) In future, the increase in pension to the pensioners shall be allowed on net pension instead of gross pension.
(g) All the pensioners shall be allowed an increase in net pension (inclusive of dearness increases allowed in the past) as follows:
Increase in net pension | |
(i) Pensioners who retired prior to the introduction of 1991 Basic Pay Scales. | 15% |
(ii) Pensioners who retired prior to the introduction of 1994 Basic Pay Scales but on or after the Introduction of 1991 Pay Scales. | 10% |
(iii) Pensioners who retired on or after the introduction of 1994 Basic Pay Scales and up to the date of introduction of revised Basic Pay Scales i.e. 1-12-2001. |
(17) Option.
(a) All the existing civil employees (BPS 1 to 22) of the Provincial Government shall within 45 days from the date of issue of this circular letter, exercise an option in writing, addressed to the Audit Office concerned in the case of employees in BPS 16 and above and to the DDO concerned in the case of employees in BPS 15 and below, either to draw pay in the existing Basic Pay Scales of 1994 or in the Revised Basic Pay Scales and Pension / Commutation Scheme 2001 as specified in this circular letter. Option once exercised shall be final.
(b) An existing employee as aforesaid, who does not exercise and communicate such an option within the prescribed time limit, shall be deemed to have opted to be governed by the Revised Basic Pay Scales Pension and Commutation Scheme, 2001.
(18) The government servant who will retire w.e.f. 1-7-2001 shall be given the benefit of revised pay scales on presumptive basis discounted by 5% increase in pension if availed, subject to the condition that all those who may like to avail this benefit should opt for the entire package i.e. revised schemes of Basic Pay Scales as contained in Part-I of this circular letter and revised package of pension as contained in Part-III of this letter.
(19) All existing rules / orders on the subject shall be deemed to have been modified to the extent indicated above. All existing rules / orders not so modified shall continue in force under this scheme.
(20) An Anomalies Committee will be set up in the Finance Department (Regulation Wing), Government of the Punjab, to resolve the anomalies if any, arising in the implementation of this Order.
PAY SCALES OF 1994 | REVISED PAY SCALES, 2001 | ||||||
Scale | Min | Incr | Max | Stgs | Scale | Min | Incr |
1 | 1245 | 35 | 1770 | 15 | 1 | 1870 | 55 |
2 | 1275 | 44 | 1935 | 15 | 2 | 1915 | 65 |
3 | 1320 | 50 | 2070 | 15 | 3 | 1980 | 75 |
4 | 1360 | 58 | 2230 | 15 | 4 | 2040 | 85 |
5 | 1400 | 66 | 2390 | 15 | 5 | 2100 | 100 |
6 | 1440 | 73 | 2535 | 15 | 6 | 2170 | 120 |
7 | 1480 | 81 | 2695 | 15 | 7 | 2220 | 130 |
8 | 1540 | 88 | 2860 | 15 | 8 | 2310 | 130 |
9 | 1605 | 97 | 3060 | 15 | 9 | 2410 | 145 |
10 | 1660 | 107 | 3265 | 15 | 10 | 2490 | 160 |
11 | 1725 | 116 | 3465 | 15 | 11 | 2590 | 175 |
12 | 1830 | 130 | 3780 | 15 | 12 | 2745 | 195 |
13 | 1950 | 144 | 4110 | 15 | 13 | 2925 | 215 |
14 | 2065 | 161 | 4480 | 15 | 14 | 3100 | 240 |
15 | 2190 | 177 | 4845 | 15 | 15 | 3285 | 265 |
16 | 2535 | 197 | 5490 | 15 | 16 | 3805 | 295 |
17 | 3880 | 290 | 7360 | 12 | 17 | 6210 | 465 |
18 | 5085 | 366 | 8745 | 10 | 18 | 8135 | 585 |
19 | 7750 | 385 | 11600 | 10 | 19 | 12400 | 615 |
20 | 9195 | 440 | 13595 | 10 | 20 | 14710 | 950 |
21 | 10190 | 545 | 15640 | 10 | 21 | 16305 | 1070 |
22 | 10900 | 610 | 17000 | 10 | 22 | 17440 | 1250 |