Revise Workflow for GP Fund Payment -AG dt 02.08.2021
Subject: Revise Workflow for GP Fund Payment
It has been observed that GP Fund subscribers/ employees of the Government of the Punjab have been facing a lot of problems while getting advance and Final Payment of GPF cases. Keeping in view the hardship of the subscribers, some new SOP’s with the following work flow for Advances and Final Payments shall be followed at Main Office and in all District Accounts Offices with immediate effect till further orders. These SOPs are being issued in addition SOPs circulated vide letter No. Computer Coord/BPR-GPF WORKFLOW/CD-1588 Dated: 30.04.2013.
2. The manual processing of GPF Rolls has been discontinued and all the payments shall continue to be made through GPF off cycle to be executed as per schedule issued by DG MIS vide letter No. Comp; Coord/circular/Payroll Period control/CD-388, dated: March 09, 2018 (on Every Monday) before execution of regular payroll.
3. In order to process the cases expeditiously, the practice of issuing GPF authority and then receiving Change Forms separately will be discontinued henceforth and the Change Forms for G P Fund Advances / Final Payment will be received along with Sanction Order / G P F 10 Form issued and forwarded by the competent authority simultaneously to process the case in a single step. If, however, the amount of authority issued by AG/DAOS is less than the claim (amount of Change Form), the bill will be passed for less amount as per authority issued.
4. The confirmation of old GP Fund balances pertaining to the period prior to 01.05.2013 if required may be carried out accordingly from the concerned Accounts Office. However, there is no need for confirmation/ verification of the period falling after 01.05.2013, as the data relating to GP Fund balances after that date can be verified from the SAP generated GPF Re-Calculation Sheet.
5. The verification of GPF Re-Calculation Sheet may be run by the concerned Sectional Incharge after updation of balances in SAP to ensure transparency and correctness in the GP Fund accounts of the subscribers.
6. As the balances are available on the SAP system, GPF Re-Calculation Sheet showing the updated balance of a GP Fund subscriber of the Government of the Punjab can be used for GENER processing of GP Fund advance/ Final Payment cases. There is no need of printing ledger cards as the GP Fund deductions are being recorded in the SAP system.
7. On transfer of an employee from one station to the other, the concerned Accounts Office will issue a Last Pay Certificate to the employee adding a Data Input Sheet of GP Fund balance for new account officer. In case of transfer of an employee out of audit jurisdiction of Main Office (A G Punjab, Lahore) concerned Pay Roll Section will forward a copy of LPC to Fund-U Section of the Main Office for ensuring up dation and transfer of the G P Fund balance of that employee from the concerned G P Fund Section when sent for the purpose.
8. All G P Fund cases of Advances/ Final Payments shall be processed as per following timelines in main office and DAOs.
1. | Finalization of Final Payment Cases | 07 Days |
2. | Issuance of G P Fund Authority if already updated | 03 Days |
3. | Releasing of all type of payments / Pay orders on the change form and punching it to the current payroll. | 01 Day |
4. | G P Fund Missing Credit/ G P Fund Transfer from other Districts | 05 Days |
5. | Updation of cases of Autonomous Bodies/Broadsheets | 10 Days |
6. | Disposal of Special letters | 03 Days |
7. | Disposal of Ordinary letters | 01 Day (except Sanctions, Balance Transfer cases or updation) |
9. The above mentioned revised SOPs are implemented in AG Punjab, Lahore and all DAOs with immediate effect. Any problems/difficulties faced during the operations of new SOPs should be brought to the notice of Addl. AG (Funds/ Computers) immediately for fast track resolution.
(This is issued with the approval of the Accountant General, Punjab)