Reconciliation of Expenditure dt 25.01.2012
Subject: Reconciliation of Expenditure
I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to state that the office of the Accountant General Punjab in addition to compilation / consolidation of accounts of Government of the Punjab is also entrusted to ensure 100% reconciliation with Drawing & Disbursing Officers / Principal Accounting Officers, respectively, on monthly and annual basis to avoid any fraud. Accountant General, Punjab through a DO letter has intimated that a significant portion of the reported receipts and expenditure for the FY 2010-11 is still un-reconciled. This state of affairs is quite alarming warranting immediate attention of all Drawing & Disbursing Officers / Principal Accounting Officers.
2. In this regard, your kind attention is invited towards the provisions of the Chapter 12 & 13 of Punjab Budget Manual, under which the procedure for watching progress of receipts and control over expenditure, its proper accounting and reconciliation between the DDOs / Head of Departments and Accountant General/Accounts Office is explicitly spelled out.
3. It is accordingly requested to kindly strictly adhere to the provisions as laid down in Punjab Budget Manual and Finance Department’s instruction issued from time to time to achieve the objective of 100% reconciliation. To achieve this objective, an effective coordination with the office of the Accountant general, Punjab for reconciliation of the expenditure and receipts may be ensured besides completing the reconciliation of un-reconciled amounts pertaining to the previous year i.e. 2010-11.
4. It may kindly be appreciated that before finalization / printing of appropriation accounts for the FY 2010-11, it is absolutely important that 100% reconciliation by Principal Accounting Officers / DDOs is accomplished, besides ensuring monthly reconciliation of ‘receipts’ and ‘expenditure’ on a continued basis.