Issuance of Treasury Schedule for Reconciliation of Accounts dt 21.12.2005
Subject: Reconciliation of Accounts
Kindly refer to the above noted subject.
2. During a recent meeting of the Fiscal Monitoring Committee (FMC) held in the Finance Department, various departments once again raised the issue regarding the belated / non-issuance of treasury schedules of receipts and payments by DAOS/TOs to the local DDOs as provided under the Rules. It was also observed that the reconciliation of accounts was not promptly done in the prescribed manner, causing discrepancies between the figures verified locally, and those communicated to the Accountant General, Punjab, through monthly accounts.
3. The FMC took a serious notice of the said position, and directed to reiterate the policy instruction on the subject for strict observance, besides directing that the defaulting DAOs/DOs shall be held personally responsible for this lapse.
4. You, are therefore directed to take personal interest in the matter, and ensure strict supervision and compliance of mandatory periodic function.