Clarification – PhD and MPhil Qualification Allowance 27.01.2011
Subject: Qualification Allowance
In continuation of this department’s letter NO.FD.SR-1-9-3/86 dated 22.01.2009 42-2 on the subject noted above I am directed to state that a question has arisen regarding determination of criteria for declaring an organization as Research & Development Organization for grant of Science and Technology Allowance to the PhD degree holders working in the various Administrative Departments. An appeal was also filed in the Punjab Service Tribunal in this regard and the court in its order directed the Punjab Government to devise a policy in this regard. Accordingly, a committee was constituted by the Chief Minister for the purpose who has been pleased to approve the following recommendations:
- In all the Research and Development Organizations (established as such by the Government in different departments), the holders of PhD degrees would continue to draw Science & Technology Allowance as per existing policy of the Provincial Government. Similarly the faculty members of Social Sciences would also continue to receive Science and Technology Allowance as per existing policy.
- In other Organizations, which are not established as Research & Development Organizations, the incumbents holding PhD degrees would initially receive the PhD Allowance @ Rs.5000/- However, they could be considered for award of Science & Technology Allowance @ Rs.10.000/-, in case they continue to engage themselves in Research and get at least three Research Papers published in journals recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) within three years. On submission of copies of published Research Papers they would be considered for grant of difference of PhD and Science and Technology Allowance as arrear.
- The Planning & Evaluation Directorate and Extension Wing of L&DD Department were not found fit to be declared as Research and Development Organization.
2. All other terms & conditions regarding admissibility of the said allowance shall remain the same.