Lapse of PWD Deposit Work dt 18.08.2017
Subject: PWD Deposit Work
I am directed to refer to the subject cited above.
2. The Government of Punjab, Finance Department has circulated the accounting procedure of the PMSDGA Program vide its letter bearing No. SO(TT) 6-1/2013(P-II) dated 23.05.2017, Para 5(viii) of this letter states:
“In case of “deposit work”, the Commissioners will make payment in advance to the executing agency. The Provincial Government’s executing agency shall deposit the funds in the Public Account of the Province (Account No.1 Non-Food) and will make payments, after pre-audit under existing arrangements. However, such funds shall lapse on 30th June each year.”
Hence, the unspent balance of Deposit Work stand lapsed on 30th June, 2017.
3. Funds in the above said Program were released in the Jointly operated SDA’s of Divisional Commissioner and his Director Finance and the unspent funds under the Program should be lapsed on 30th June, 2017.
4. In case such funds were lying with the executing agency in shape of deposit work and have not been lapsed so far, Concerned District Accounts Officer/Treasury Officer is advised to reconcile such unspent balances with executing agency and to coordinate with the executing agency/Division for ensuring the lapse the unspent balances under Deposit Work to the Provincial Consolidated Fund.
This is a time bounded exercise and should be completed by 19th August, 2017 and compliance report should be sent to this office.