Clarification – Prison Security Allowance and Prison Allowance to the Doctors dt 06.01.2025
Subject: Prison Security Allowance
I am directed to refer to your letter No.215/PR-C/Prison-allowance/2024- 25/2463 dated 22.10.2024 on the subject and to intimate that Prison Security Allowance and Prison Allowance are only admissible to the officers/ officials of Prison Department in light of Finance Department’s Notifications dated 22.11.2021 & 20.07.2022 (copies enclosed). and the same are not admissible to the Doctors of Health Department posted in High Security Prison Central Jail as they are not borne on the cadre strength of the Prison Department.
2. I am further directed to intimate that Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education (SHC&ME) Department’s letter bearing No. WMO/1-1/2009(2011) (P) dated 19.02.2011 (copy enclosed), in which Special Allowance @12,000/-, Non-Practicing Allowance @Rs.4,000/- & Health Professional Allowance @Rs.15,000/- were granted to Doctors/Medical Officers of Health Department working in Prisons Department, is FAKE/ BOGUS, as clarified by SHC&ME Department vide letter No.SO(ND)2-26/2004 (Vol-II) dated 15.07.2020 (copy enclosed).