Conversion of Premature Increment to PP on Promotion to Higher Scale reached at Maximum Stage dt 14.01.2013
Subject: Premature Increment
I am directed to refer to this Department notification No.FD.PC.2-1/2005 dated 10.01.2007 wherein it was, Inter alia, clarified that all government servants who have exhausted or may exhaust the relevant existing pay scales would be allowed the benefit of annual increment beyond the existing scope of the pay scales, w.e.f. 01.12.2005 with no retrospective benefit subject to the condition that the employee concerned has put in six months continuous service. The said benefit was to be treated as personal pay,
2. I am further directed to refer to this Department another notification bearing No. FD(PC)10-1/78(PL.II) dated 15.07.2011 whereby benefit of notional increment in the year of retirement (having at-least six months’ service in the year of retirement) was allowed. w.e.f. 01.06.2011 with no retrospective benefit.
3. In the light of above notifications, question has arisen as to whether the increments admissible in the following cases can also be allowed beyond the scope of the pay scales:
Premature increment on promotion from lower post to higher post concerned civil servant law at the maximum stage of pay scale of higher post. The benefit of annual increment on notional/presumptive basis in the lower pay scale (at the maximum stage) in case of proinsulin after 1st June and civil servant opt for refixation of his pay in terms of Rule 10(3) of Pay Revision Rules, 1977.
4. The matter has been considered in the Finance Department and it has been decided that in the above two cases increments if otherwise due may also be allowed beyond the scope of the pay scales. The increment so allowed shall be treated as personal pay. The amount of the personal pay may be treated as part of the pay scale of the concerned government servant for the purpose of fixation of pay, pension and recovery of House Rent; etc.
5. However, this concession shall be admissible only to those who shall be promoted on or after 01.01.2003. Any claim pertaining to a period prior to this date shall not be entertainment.