Placement of Junior Clerk as Auditor in District Account Office Multan dated 12.01.2009
Subject: Placement of Junior Clerk as Auditor
Kindly refer to your letter No.TM/LG Plan/2008-09/605 dated 18.12.2008 on the above, noted subject. In this regard your attention is also invited to this department’s endorsement of an even number dated 18.12.2008.
2. The views/comments of the office of the Director General, Accounts (Works), have meanwhile, been received vide letter No. DG/W.M.A/cs/Comp/2006- 08/365 dated 03.01.2009, a copy whereof already stands endorsed to your office (a copy endorsed for ready reference), whereby it transpires that the course of action already taken in case of DAO, Multan does not appear to be feasible for administrative and technical reasons. Therefore, the change in the policy as desired by your office is not prima warranted at this point in time.
3.It is requested that, if necessary, the matter may be reconsidered/reviewed.
Please refer to your letter No: IT(FD) 3-4/2002. Voi-X dated 18-12-2 on the subject cited above.
In this regard kind attention is invited to the provisions of Para 4 (1) of CS 2002, wherein it has a 4/2002 dated 15 Department letter No: IT(FD)3 provided that the existing pre-audit and accounting procedure as applicable to the Divisions of the provincial Government is applicable to the works & S Department of District Government till further orders, which is still operative a amendment have been made, by the Controller General of Accounts. Furthermore the staff of Accountant General Punjab posted in Works & Services section at Dict Accounts Office Multan has no awareness of the rules and procedure of the public works department whereas the staff of District Officer (Roads) posted in Works & Series section are technically trained for the job having experience of many years. The du… functions of the auditors of Works & Services section is not only to affix pass orders on the bills / claims but also extend to maintain and update different Registers, Schedules and Forms such as:
- Register of Works.
- Cash Book.
- Schedule of Suspense.
- Schedule of Deposit.
- Measurement Books.
- Contractor’s Ledger.
- Checking of Estimates and Contract Agreements.
- Registers of Misc. sanctions, Recoveries Fixed Charges, interest boring Securities etc.
As far as knowledge for working on SAP R/3 System is concerned, it is imperative to provide computer training to staff of Works & Services section, just as provided to other stalls of the District Accounts Office.
Keeping in view of above stated facts, this office is of the view that e ancillary staff of the Works & Service section may not be transferred from any District Accounts Office particularly, from District Accounts Office Multan, till any amending it made by the Controller General of Accounts Islamabad.