Clarification – Pension Amendment Notification 02.12.2024 dt 06.01.2025
Subject: Pension Amendment Notification
Kindly refer to your letter bearing No.SO(TR-II)2-85/2023/PRTC, dated 23-12-2024 on the subject noted above.
- The case has been examined and the reply of the points raised by the Administrative Department is as under:
Sr.# | Query of Administrative Department | Reply of the Finance Department |
i. | The Punjab Road Transport Corporation got defunct in 1997 and its employees were given Golden Hand Shake Scheme. The PRTC (defunct) had adopted the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules, 1963 for disbursement of pension to its employees. The query crops up whether the Notification dated 02.12.2024 is applicable to the employees of the Punjab Road Transport Corporation or not? | Since, defunct Punjab Road Transport Corporation (PRTC) had adopted the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules for disbursement of pension to its employees, therefore, Finance Department’s Notification No. FD-SR-III-4-244/2023(B) dated 02.12.2024 will be applicable to the employees of PRTC who retire on or after 02.12.2024. However, the earlier retirement cases where the employees were retired before 02.12.2024 and their retirement cases were processed as per previous Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules, after their death/disentitlement on or after 02.12.2024, their family pension cases will be processed as per Finance Department’s Notification No. FD-SR-III-4-244/2023(B) dated 02.12.2024. |
ii. | In the light of above said Notification, the family pension has been restricted to the extent of spouse only and that too for 10 years or till re marriage of the widow whichever is earlier, except for issueless spouse. The question arises whether the period of 10 years will be calculated from the date of sanction of the family pension to the already existing family pensioners or from the date of the above referred Notification i.e. 02-12-2024? | If the family pension was sanctioned before 02.12.2024, spouse will remain entitled for family pension as per previous Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules. However, in case the entitlement of family pension will become due on or after 02.12.2024, such family pension cases will be processed as per Finance Department’s Notification No. FD-SR-III-4-244/2023(B) dated 02.12.2024 and 10 years will be calculated from the date of his/her entitlement i.e. on or after 02.12.2024 as the case may be. |
iii. | Furthermore, sub-rule 1 to 6 of Rule 4.10 have been substituted rendering family pensioners, except the spouse, as ineligible. Clarity is required whether the family pension, excluding the spouse, will be eligible from the date of issuance of the above-referred Notification or not? | Existing family pensioners will continue drawing family pension as per previous Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules. However, after the ineligibility / death of spouse on or after 02.12.2024, pension will not be transferable to any other family member. Further, in case any eligible family member is already drawing family pension under previous Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules, he will continue drawing the same till the date of his / her entitlement. After his/her ineligibility / death on or after 02.12.2024, family pension will be stopped / not transferable. |
iv. | Further that whether the family pensioners, excluding the spouse, who are already drawing pension will continue to draw the pension or their pension will be discontinued from the date of the said Notification i.e. 02-12-2024? | As above. |