Outstanding Liabilities of Account IV dt 21.06.2017
Subject: Outstanding Liabilities of Account IV
I am directed to refer to the information submitted by your office in response to this office letter no. IT (FD) 3-23/2016/LG-Prof dated 09.05.2017 on the subject noted above.
2. It is informed that the Cash Balance Figure of Account -IV provided by your office after reconciliation with SBP/NBP do not agree with the SBP Figures (copy attached) which may have been resulted either due to the reasons that NBP might have not taken releases timely in the balances or some releases might have been missed. Furthermore, the cash balances have only been verified by NBP and not reconciled by the DAO concerned, on the basis of releases issued by the W&M Section of the Finance Department.
3. You are advised that the balance of NBP may be reconciled with the attached balance of SBP and the balance so reconciled, duly verified by DAO should be conveyed to this Inspectorate within 02 days positively through soft (email) and hard copies. Information about releases in Account -IV up to Dec-2016 by the Finance Department have been sent to you via email for your convenience.