Clarification – Ordinary Family Pension – Federal dt 10.10.2024
Subject: Ordinary Family Pension
The undersigned is directed to refer Finance Division’s O.M. F.No.9(3)R- 6/2024-264 dated 10.09.2024 on the subject noted above and to state that queries in this context have been received in Finance Division from different quarters inquiring “whether decision conveyed vide above O.M. is applicable to existing family pensioners who are in receipt of pension and have completed 10 years/age of 21 years as the case may be, and whether their pension may be discontinued on 10.09.2024 or they are entitled to draw their pension as per previous family pension rules”.
2. It is clarified that the decision does not apply to current family pensioners, as indicated by the use of the adverb “henceforth” in the ruling. However, it will be applicable to those who become eligible for family pension on or after the issuance of the Finance Division’s O.M. dated 10-09-2024.