Deduction of 5% of Basic Pay on Occupying Govt Residence – Designated House – 02.12.2004
Subject: Occupying Govt Residence
Please find enclosed a copy of office Memo from Professor Mushtaq Ahmad javed, Principal, Govt. Degree College, Lodhran, bearing No.1150, dated 18.10.04, on the above subject, together with its enclosures.
- Attention is invited towards Para 2(5) of the Finance Department substituted circular Memo No. FD(M-1)1-15/82-P-I, dated 15.01.2000 (copy enclosed), not endorsed to this office, which inter alia specifies that the occupants of the designated official residences will have to pay 5% house rent even of they do not avail the facility and residence remains vacant during the period. They will not draw house rent allowance at the prescribed rate. It may be noted that the Finance Department aforesaid circular Memo dated 15.01.2000 was not even officially received in this office for perusal.
- The Finance Department, vide Para 2 of their Memo No. FD/SR-1-9/6/84, dated 08.04.86 have clarified that the Principals of Govt. Degree Colleges and Intermediate Colleges who are occupying Govt. residence on the premises of the Colleges were allowed rent free accommodation by the Finance Department. That concession of rent free accommodation was not admissible to the other institution. Earlier, the Finance Department vide their circular Memo No.2924-SO(SR)iv/76, dated 26.10.76 (copy enclosed) inter alia decided not to charge any rent from the Principals of Govt. Colleges who were occupying Govt. residence on the premises of Colleges. That concession was not extended to the provision of rent free accommodation to the Principal as a matter of course either in Govt. residential estates or other wise.
- The Finance Department vide their circular Memo No.FD.PR.21.27/99 dated 21.02.2000 inter alia granted exemption to reside in designated house, deciding that Admn. Secretaries may them selves grant such exemptions to only those officers who line in their own houses which is in their own name or in the name of their parents or spouse and is located at the same station, subject to the condition that the designated house is allotted to another senior officer, if he is willing to reside here, and deduction is made as per policy so that he is not unoccupied to save the Govt. from financial loss.
- From the perusal of preceding paras it would be obvious that Para 2(5) of the Finance Department substituted circular Memo dated 15.01.02 is quite contradictory to the instructions inter alia contained in the Finance Department aforesaid Memo dated 08.04.1986 and that of circular Memo dated 21.02.2000, aforenoted.
- This office, however, presumes that in terms of Finance Department above noted Memo dated 08.04.86, read with Memo dated 26.10.76, only the Principals of Govt. Degree Colleges and Intermediate Colleges who are occupying Govt. residences on the premises of the Colleges shall not draw house rent allowance and shall not be required to pay 5% house rent allowance (deducted form their salaries), in case where exemptions are granted by the Admn. Secretary i.e. Secretary Education, in terms of the Finance Department circular Memo dated 21.02.2000, aforesaid, they would be entitled to draw House Rent Allowance at the prescribed rates, if other wise admissible.
- It is, therefore, requested that the matter may please be examined in the Finance Department and views of this office expressed in Para 6 supra may please be confirmed. If otherwise, decision of the Govt. may please be conveyed to this office for further necessary action at this end.