Release of Non Salary Budget at Controlling Level in District Health and Education Authorities dt 22.04.2017
Subject: Non Salary Budget
I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that the Finance Department has released a non-salary component of the budget through PFC to the District Health and Education Authorities at the controlling level and the same is to be distributed among DDOS, as per budget, on the SAP system by concerned authorities.
The mapping of classification in the SAP system has been made and SAP user IDs have been created for the officers working in these authorities. However, the infrastructure and capacity issues may arise for these personnel.
In order to streamline the distribution and uploading of budgets on the SAP system, you are advised to personally ensure completion of this exercise by coordinating, guiding and facilitating these officers working in authorities. Where SAP connectivity is not available/in-operative in the premises of authorities, they may be facilitated for working at DAO/TO where SAP connectivity is already available.
In case of non-availability of SAP connection at district level they may be advised to carry out the exercise of distribution and uploading of budget on SAP at the Finance Department, Government of the Punjab, Lahore in the computer section of Director Budget where they should bring all necessary documents with them.
This time bounded exercise must be completed today positively.