Clarification – MPhil Qualification Allowance @ 5000 pm dt 01.10.2013
Subject: MPhil Qualification Allowance
I am directed to refer to this department’s letter No.FD.SR-1/9-21/2011 dated 01.04.2013 on the subject noted above wherein it was conveyed that the Competent Authority has been pleased to extend the facility of MPhil Allowance @ 50% of PhD. Allowance to all government servants across the board working under the administrative control of Government of the Punjab subject to the condition that they acquire the M. Phil Degree from the recognized universities of Higher Education Commission with immediate effect. But instances have come to the notice that the Administrative Departments are not complying with the said instructions in letter and spirit as a number of cases are referred to this department for advice despite issuance of clear instructions in this regard.
2. Accordingly, it is once again brought to the notice of all concerned that the facility of MPhil Allowance @ 50% of PhD. Allowance has been extended to all government servants across the board working under the administrative control of Government of the Punjab subject to the condition that they acquire the MPhil Degree from the recognized universities of Higher Education Commission w.e.f. 01.04.2013.
3. All the Departments/Attached Departments etc. may, therefore, process/finalize the subject cases on their own without referring the same to the Finance Department for advice.