Medical Certificate on 1st Appointment of Civil Servant dt 21.06.1999
Subject: Medical Certificate on 1st Appointment of Civil Servant
Kindly refer to this office letter No.PR/Coord/MC/Vol-IV/347, dated 4.1.1999, and subsequent letter No.PR/Coord/M.C/Vol-IV/543,dated 3.6.1999(Copy enclosed) and your Department U.O.No.(SCR-I) (S&GAD) 16-27/98, dated 23.11.1998, on the above subject.
2. According to your Department circular letter No.SOR-III/2-3/94, dated 12.2.1994, production of Medical Fitness certificate is a prerequisite for joining Government Service, whereas Your Department in certain cases has issued order to treat their duty with effect from the date they reported in the Department irrespective of the fact, these officers were declared medically fit as a later date.
3. This office is of the view that the duty period in such cases may only be treated from the date they have been declared medically fit unless the orders are issued is super session of the existing instructions circulated vide your letter dated 12-12-94.This office has been allowing pay to such selectees from the date they have been declared fit by the medical authorities.
4. The views of this office, if correct, may kindly be confirmed and if otherwise clear instruction in this regard may be issued at an early date to enable this office to decide a large number of cases on the subject.