Benevolent Fund Group Insurance Lump Sum Grant, Funeral Charges, Farewell Grant, Marriage Grant – Federal dt 30.09.2015
Subject: Lump Sum Grant
The scheme of Federal Employees Benevolent & Group Insurance Fund was launched through promulgation of FEB & GIF Act, 1969, under which certain benefits are provided to the Federal Government Employees/their family members. It has been observed that many offices are not following the instructions for submission of Monthly Benevolent Grant/Group Insurance & Lump Sum Grant, Burial charges, Farewell Grant, Marriage Grant and Education Stipend claims issued by FEB & GIF office, submission of incomplete cases results in delayed payment to the beneficiary besides, unnecessary in-convenience to them.
(1) Monthly Benevolent Grant, Group Insurance, Lump Sum Grant & Burial Charges
The aim of this scheme is to provide immediate assistance to the families of the Federal Government Employees, who retired on Medical Ground, Died during Service and Died after Retirement. Besides, Monthly Benevolent Grant, a Lump Sum Grant is also paid to the invalided employee or in case of death during service a Sum Assured and Burial charges to the family of deceased employee and Burial Charges to family of deceased employee who died after retirement.
The following observations are continuously observed in the claims received by this office:
- Application Form-‘B’ should be signed & stamped by the Head of the Office and Countersigned by the Head of the Department (HOD).
- Attested and fair copy of CNIC of employee and his spouse.
- Two attested copies of Office Order notifying death/retirement of deceased employee.
- Two attested copies of L.P.C duly signed & stamped by the Head of the Office and Countersigned by the Head of the Department (HOD).
- Three attested copies of 1st, 2nd & last page of Service Book having entry of birth date, appointment and retired/death date, in case of non-gazetted employee and Service Statement in case of Gazetted employee.
- Three attested copies of Death Certificate issued by the Union Council (NADRA).
- Three attested copies of Nomination Form regarding share of Benevolent Fund/Group Insurance.
- Three attested copies of list of family members duly signed & stamped by the Head of the Office and Countersigned by the Head of the Department (HOD).
- Four attested copies of Photographs, Specimen Signature & Thumb Impressions on separate sheets.
- Wholly Dependency Certificate issued by the Head of Department.
- Postal address and NBP Branch nearest address to the residence of beneficiary.
- In case of employee retired on medical ground the certificate of disability (upto 80%) must be issued by Central Medical Board constituted by the Ministry of Health and countersigned by the Head of the Department (HOD).
- Surrender Ship Certificate on Stamp Paper duly verified by the Notary Public/Oath Commissioner to surrender his/her share in case of more than one beneficiary.
- Legal Guardianship Certificate in case of minor children from the competent court of law.
- Each and every single document must be necessarily attested.
(2) Payment of Education Stipend for Outstanding Children
The scheme of Education Stipend for outstanding children of Federal Government employees was started in pursuance of Rule 25 of FEB & GIF Rules 1972, under which education stipend/fee reimbursement are provided to the serving/retired Federal Government Employees and family members of deceased employees.
The following observations are continuously observed in the education stipend claims received by this office:
- Part-B of Application Form of Education Stipend must be signed by HOD and Part-D of Education Stipend Form must be verified by Head of Current Institution/College/University in which student is currently studying.
- Attested and fair copy of CNIC/B-Form of employee/student.
- Attested and fair copy of Pay Slip issued by DDO or Accounts Department showing department name in the header and deductions with revised rate of Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance.
- Each and every single document must be necessarily attested.
- Each result should be issued by Controller Examination of University, College or Boards showing detail of marks obtained (in numeric form) out of total marks, semester name, semester GPA, date of declaration of result and father name as well.
- In case of new admission, an admission certificate showing Discipline, Session and Status (whether merit base admission or self-support base) of student issued by Admission Branch of concerned University or College.
- Prescribed studies for fee re-imbursement are MBA, BBA, Engineering, MBBS, BDS, D-Pharmacy, Architecture & Computer Sciences, subject to student has got admission on purely merit base in any Public Sector University/Institute of Pakistan (For Public Sector University/Institute, visit and student has got minimum passing marks in all subjects of a given results. Failing/withdraw in one or more subject deprive the right of applicant for reimbursement/stipend.
- Student studying in other than Prescribed studies may get stipend subject to have minimum 70% score in the latest result (After Matriculation or equivalent).
- Case should be submitted through Department, which should mention current place of posting of employee (covering letter).
- Two (2) sets of each claim (original + photocopy).
(3) Payment of Farewell Grant
A sum equal to one month’s pay is paid to an employee under Rule 24 (1) and (2) of FEB & GIF Rules, 1972 who:-
(I) served at least 25 years continuous service in Federal Govt. or statutory bodies and proceeds on retiring pension (excluding Invalid Retirement) w.e.f. 1st January, 2006 to 31st August, 2012 and to those who
(II) served at least 20 years continuous service in Federal Govt. or statutory bodies and proceeds on retiring pension (excluding Invalid Retirement) w.e.f. 1st September, 2012 to onward.
2. The following observations are continuously observed in the claims of Farewell Grant received by this office:
- Application Form should be signed & stamped by the Head of the Office or Head of the Department (HOD).
- Two attested and fair copy of Last Pay Certificate issued by DDO or Accounts Department showing department name in the header and deductions with revised rate of Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance.
- Two attested and fair copy of CNIC of retired employee.
- Two attested copies of retirement order of an employee.
- Two attested copies of Initial appointment letter of an employee.
- Two attested copies of Pension Payment Order of an employee.
- Case should be submitted through Department, which should mention current place of posting of employee (covering letter).
- Two attested copies of 1st, 2nd & last page of Service Book having entry of appointment, retirement in case of Non-gazetted employee and Service Statement in case of Gazetted employee with detail of posting and place of retirement.
- Each and every single document must be necessarily attested.
- Two (2) sets of each claim (original + photocopy).
(4) Payment of Marriage Grant
A lump sum amount of Rs 50,000/- paid to serving, retired and deceased employee’s family on the marriage of one child irrespective of gender (son/daughter) takes place on or after “21st April, 2011 to onward.”
The following observations are continuously observed in the claims of marriage grant received by this office:
- Application Form should be signed & stamped by the Head of the Office or Head of the Department (HOD).
- Attested and fair copy of Pay Slip issued by DDO or Accounts Department showing department name in the header and deductions with revised rate of Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance.
- Two attested and fair copy of CNIC of Employee, Groom, Bride & Widow (in case of deceased employee).
- Two attested copies of Computerized Marriage Registration Certificate (CMRC) in respect of Son/Daughter issued by the Union Council (NADRA).
- Two attested copies of Manual Nikah Nama (CMRC) in respect of Son/Daughter issued by the Nikah Registrar.
- Two attested copies of list of family members duly verified by the Department.
- Two attested copies of Pension Payment Order (PPO) and retirement order in case of retired Employee.
- Case should be submitted through Department, which should mention current place of posting of employee in case of serving employee (covering letter).
- Each and every single document must be necessarily attested.
- Two (2) sets of each claim (original + photocopy).
- It is, therefore, requested that above mentioned requirements/observations should be kept in view while forwarding Monthly Benevolent Grant, Group Insurance/Lump Sum Grant, Farewell Grant & Marriage Grant claims towards this office to avoid any discrepancy. Further guideline may be taken from this office official website (
- Efforts in this regard will be highly appreciated.