Payment of Financial Assistance and Leave Encashment through FI Module – AG dt 27.10.2023
Subject: Leave Encashment
Please refer to the Government of the Punjab Finance Department letter No.SO(TT)61/2019 dated 24.10.2023 regarding observance of financial discipline in the province during the month of October 2023.
02. The payments of leave encashment and financial assistance payments are made through off-cycle. Since, regular monthly payroll has already been executed, off-cycle cannot be run. Worthy Accountant General Punjab has allowed to process leave encashment and financial assistance claims through Fl for two days i.e. 27-10-2023 & 28-10-2023 after fulfilling all local formalities and SOPs.
03. The FI Lab at AG office would assist respective payroll sections and DAOs only for those cases for which budgets have been sanctioned/released by the Finance Department and CEO (Education and Health Authorities). Moreover, respective Section In-charge/DAOs need to ensure that DDO payment is not processed.
04. You are, therefore, directed to ensure the compliance of the directions and clear all the claims.