Illegal Upgradation TSPU to the Patwari from BS09 to BS10 dt 23.08.2022
Subject: Illegal Upgradation
I am directed to refer to your letter No.1256-2022/3599-E(M)-II dated 07-07-2022&U.O.Nos.1727-2021/4746-E(M)-II dated 08-10-2021, No.986-2022/2867-E(M)-II dated 17-05-2022, No.2955-2021/5332-E(M)-II dated 19-11-2021, No.2110-2021/4745-E(M)-II dated 08-10-2021, No.1048-2021/3929-E(M)-II dated 06-08-2021, No.1790-2021/3930-F(M)-II dated 06-08-2021& No.398-2021/1068-CH(P)B dated 14.10.2021 on the subject noted above.
2. The case has been examined in Finance Department. It is intimated that as per Service Rules, the incumbents of the posts of Patwari (BS-09) have promotion channel to Kanoongo (BS-11), Naib Tehsildar (BS-14) and Tehsildar (BS-16). In presence of four steps of promotion, the incumbents of the post of Patwari are not entitled to Time Scale Personal Up-gradation (TSPU) in light of Finance Department’s Notification No.FD.PC.40-80/2017 dated 26.07.2017 which provides TSPU to employees in BS-05 to BS-15 holding posts where none or only one time promotion in the entire service is prescribed in the rules on satisfactory service of each 10 years. Hence, Orders issued by respective Assistant Commissioners viz TSPU are required to be withdrawn.
3. Therefore, Administrative Department is advised to send reference for creation of posts for the deceased Patwaris in BS-09 instead of BS-10 in all above referred cases.