Admissibility of Hotel Charges during Training dt 18.03.2004
Subject: Hotel Charges during Training
Kindly refer to your D.O. letter No SI(P)MPDD/20-1/2003-58, dated 15.1.2004 on the above noted subject.
2. The matter has been examined in consultation with the SR Wing. The view taken by the District Accounts Officer, Mullan is correct, in that hotel charges are not admissible to civil servants as participants of training courses. (The policy contained in Finance Department’s letter No.FD-SR-1-8(6)/81, dated 23.09.1982 read with letter No.FDSR-1-8-1/98, dated 26.03.1998 refers).
3. It is, therefore, requested that the MPDD may advise all departments that at the time of making nominations for various training courses, it may be brought to the notice of the trainee that hotel charges are not admissible to civil servants, while on training.