Grant of Honorarium dt 15.05.1988
Subject: Grant of Honorarium
I am directed to refer to the subject, noted above, and to state that under the provision of. Rule 5.49 and 5.50 of Civil Service Rules (Punjab) Vol.1 Part I, a competent authority may grant, or permit a Government servant to receive an honorarium for work performed which is occasional in character and either.. laborious or of special merit as to justify a special reward. When the service rendered falls within the course of ordinary duty of a Government’ servant, the test of special merit is applied strictly. Normally, the work for which an honorarium is sanctioned is to be undertaken, with the prior consent of the competent authority and its amount settled in advance,
2. Under the Punjab (Civil Services) Delegation of Powers Button 1983, Administrative Departments are competent to sanction and permit Government servants to receive; honorarium up to Rs. 1,000/- in a year. The power of Heads of Attached Departments for the same extends up to Rs.500/- during a financial year. Cases of honorarium exceeding Rs.1000/- in a year are referred to the Finance Department for sanction.
3. Finance Department has been receiving requests from various departments for honorarium in individual cases where the Amount exceeds, Ro.1000/- during a year. The only criteria mentioned in the Rule for determining the amount is that the amount should be fixed with due regard to the value of the service in return for which honorarium is given. Keeping in view the said criteria and the requirement of the Rules to evaluate the work of occasional nature or laborious work, it is really difficult for the Finance Department to objectively scrutinize the merits of each case.
It has accordingly been decided that:-
- The powers of the Administrative Departments may be enhanced to sanction, and to permit a Government servant to receive, honorarium up to one month of his pay, subject to a maximum of Rs.2,500/- during a financial year.
- Power of the lead of the Attached Department to sanction, and to permit a Government servant to receive, the honorarium may be enhanced to Rs.1,000/- during a financial year.
- Honorarium may not be sanctioned to officers holding appointments as Deputy Secretaries and above and equivalent appointment outside the Secretariat.
- No re-appropriation may be made to the provision made in the budget from which Honorarium is paid.
4. The Finance Department shall not entertain any proposal where Honorarium is proposed to be paid at a higher rate and beyond the parameters indicated above, upload it strictly of Rules including settlement, in advance of the amount proposed in accordance with the provision to be paid for a specific assignment.
5. All cases pending with Finance Department are being returned to the administrative departments concerned for action in the light of the above decision.