Fixation of Pay on Promotion to Higher Scale Conversation of Premature Increment to PP dt 26.10.2020
Subject: Fixation of Pay
I am directed to refer to your letter No.TM-1/1-1A/2017-10/2122 dated 03.05.2018 on the subject noted above and to state that Federal Govt. vide para 3 of its Memo No.F.3(11)R-2/2011/07 dated 12.01.2011 decided that premature increment on promotion from lower post to higher post if the concerned civil servant is at the maximum stage of pay scale of higher post if otherwise due may also be allowed beyond the scope of the scales. The increment so allowed shall be treated as personal pay. The amount of the personal pay may be treated as part of the pay scale of the concerned government servant for the purpose of fixation of pay, pension and recovery of House Rent etc.
2. The Govt. of the Punjab adopted the above narrated policy of the Federal Govt. vide its letter No. No.1 D PC.2-2/2012 dated 11.01.2013 with effect from 01.01.2013 with the condition. at any claim pertaining to à period prior to this date shall not be entertained. In this scenario, fixation made by District Accounts Officer Bahawalnagar in case of Mr. Ashfaq Ahmad Sheikh, Professor (05-20) is in accordance with the policy of Federal Govt. and Govt. of the Punjab as narrated above.
In view of the above, the pay fixation of Mr. Naseer Ahmad Cheema, Professor, (05-20) may be made as per fixation made by the District Accounts Officer, Bahawalnagar in the case of Mr. Ashfaq Ahmad Sheikh, Professor (05-20) in accordance with the policy of value.