Payment of Electricity Dues Policy dt 18.08.2012
Subject: Electricity Dues Policy
I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and state that the issue of outstanding electricity dues of departments, attached departments, autonomous bodies, and local governments of the Punjab Government was reviewed in a meeting with the Federal Adjuster, Finance Division, Government of Pakistan on 08.08.2012.
It was observed that some agencies are not making timely payment of their electricity dues. It was agreed in the meeting that the Provincial Government will make every possible effort to ensure timely payment of current, undisputed electricity dues by all its entities. In this regard, necessary resources have already been allocated in the provincial budget. Accordingly, the following instructions are forwarded for strict compliance by all officers:
i. All provincial departments, attached departments, autonomous bodies, and local governments of the Punjab Government will make timely payment of their current, undisputed electricity dues against metered connections. It may be added that the Punjab Government has already allowed PEPCO/DISCOS to disconnect power supply to Government departments/offices except critical connections in case of non-payment of electricity dues.
ii. The entities which prepare their own budgets such as District Governments, Tehsil Municipal Administrations, and autonomous bodies will ensure provision of sufficient allocations in their budgets for payment of their electricity dues;
iii. In case of over-billing, the concerned officers may contact concerned Sub-Division Officers of DISCOS and report it to Reconciliation Cell of Energy Department before the due date for payment of the bill;
iv. In case any connection is un-metered, the concerned officers may immediately contact the concerned Sub-Division Officers of DISCOS to avoid approximate billing and seek assistance from Reconciliation Cell, if required;