Distribution of Gratuity in Family Pension dt 31.10.2022
Subject: Distribution of Gratuity
I am directed to refer to your letter bearing No. No. Pension Coord/Coord with Finance-III/HM-1912, dated 18.08.2022 on the subject note above.
2. The case has been examined and it is observed that Mr. Abid Ali (late), ex-Daftri (BS-05), Directorate of Public Instructions (College), Punjab, Lahore died during service on 16.07.2020. He left two daughters and two sons at the time of his death. His daughters were married while one of his son Mr. Muhammad Ali was above 24 years and his youngest son Mr. Ahmad was 21 years and one month old at the time of death of his father.
3. It is pertinent to mention that according to the circular letter of Finance Department bearing No.FD.SR.1/3-10/2004(P), dated 03.10.2017 (copy enclosed) “gratuity to the family of a deceased servant be paid at the time of death of civil servant”. Therefore, gratuity will be paid to the youngest son Mr. Ahmad as he was 21 years and one month at the time when his father died.
4. Further. Mr. Ahmad will also be entitled for payment of salary w.e.f. 16.07.2020 (date of death of his father) to 09.08.2020 (i.e. up to the date of his employment) in terms of Rule 4.10(2)(A)(ii) of the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules, read with Finance Department’s policy letter bearing No.FD.SR.III-4-111/89, dated 22.07.1989(copy enclosed).
5. It is further added that the employment is not a bar for grant of gratuity and only the age factor is restricted for grant of gratuity which should not be beyond 24 years in case of sons in terms of Rule 4.8(e) of the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules. However, he is not entitled for the family pension in terms of Rule 4.10(2)(A)(ii) of the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules, read with Finance Department’s policy letter bearing No.FD.SR.III-4-111/89, dated 22.07.1989(copy enclosed).