Distribution of Gratuity in Family Pension dt 15.08.1989
Subject: Distribution of Gratuity
I am directed to refer to the subject note above and to state that in accordance with the provisions of Rules 4.7 and 4.8 of the West Pakistan Civil Servants Pension Rules, gratuity to the deceased Government servant is admissible to wife, husband, children, widow and children of deceased son, and if there is none of the above family members living, then gratuity is payable, in equal shares, to brothers, unmarried/widowed sisters, father and mother.
Furthermore, under Rule 4.10 ibid pension is payable to widow or children and if there is no widow or children then in succession to eldest surviving son, eldest unmarried daughter of deceased son, eldest widowed daughter of the deceased son, father, mother, eldest brother and eldest widowed sister. While under the aforesaid widowed sister was eligible to receive of family pension (if there were do other family members), there existed no provision for the grant of family pension to the divorced sister/divorced daughter dependent on the deceased civil servants.
2. The Governor of the Punjab has now been pleased to decide that the names of divorced sister and divorced daughter, dependent on the deceased Civil servant may be included in the list of members eligible to receive gratuity/pension in accordance with the provisions of Rules 4.7 and 4.10 ibid in succession.
3. The existing rules and orders on the subject shall be deemed to have been modified to the extent indicated above. Necessary amendments in the rules will be issued in due course.