Pension to Disabled Married Son dt 15.09.2020
Subject: Disabled Married Son
I am directed to refer to your letter No.IT FD)(TT)1143/2020, dated 20 July. 2020 on the subject noted above and to state that the matter has been examined in terms of this Department’s policy letter bearing No.FD.SR.III-4-111/89, dated 22.07.1989 (copy enclosed) which provides as under,
- pension to physically/mentally retarded children will be admissible for life. Payment of pension to these children will be subject to the production of a certificate from the Medical Board that the children are physically/mentally retarded permanently and not able to be gainfully employed,”
2. In the instant case, a medical certificate has been issued by Social Welfare & Bait-ul-Maal Department which does not fulfill the condition of the production of a medical certificate issued by the “Medical Board” as provided under policy letter ibid of this Department.
3. It is further observed that upon production of a certificate from the Medical Board that the child is physically /mentally retarded permanently and not able to be gainfully employed, pension would be admissible to him/her for life irrespective of his/her marital status, being married or otherwise.