Deletion of Rule 17A Appointment dt 04.10.2024
Subject: Deletion of Rule
Kindly refer to the subject noted above.
2. Recently the Provincial Cabinet in its meeting held on 25.06.2024 deleted the provision of Rule 17-A from “the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment & Conditions of Service) Rules, 1974”. Accordingly, the Regulations/O&M Wing, S&GAD with the approval of the Chief Minister Punjab issued a Notification dated 24.07.2024 (copy enclosed). The said Notification has also been published in “The Punjab Gazette” on 26.07.2024 (copy enclosed).
3. However, it seems that in number of notifications/circulars/instructions /letters/policies etc. the said provision still exists, hence, for the sake of parity/uniformity, it is clarified that the words “Rule 17-A or provision of job under Rule 17-A of the Rules ibid” wherever occur in any type of notifications/circulars/ instructions/letters/policies etc. may be considered as “OMITTED / DELETED.”
4. Further necessary action in the matter may kindly be taken accordingly.