Dearness Allowance 1982 dt 04.07.1982
Subject: Dearness Allowance
I am directed to refer to this Department’s circular letter of even No. dated 14th July, 1981, on the above subject and to state that in lieu of the Dearness Allowance sanctioned. thereunder, the Governor has been pleased to sanction, with effect from 1-7-1982 and until further orders, Dearness Allowance 45% of the basic pay to civil servants in Grades 1 to 20 of the Punjab Government subject to the condition that, under the present dispensation, no employee would receive an additional amount or less than Rs. 50/- ar more than Rs.200/-.p.m. over his entitlement on the basis of the existing Dearness Allowance, as shown in the illustrations given below. For any subsequent increase in pay on account of annual increment or promotion, the Dearness Allowance will be recalculated in the same manner.
Illustration (1)
Mr. A is drawing on 30-6-1982, pay of Rs.280/- p.m. in NPS ↑ and a D.A. of Rs. 100/- p.m. Under this dispensation, his D.A calculated 45% of basic pay would come to Rs.126/-. Since he is already in receipt of D.A. of Rs.100/- p.m., he will, under these orders, receive D.A. of Rs.150/- (1.e. Rs. 100/- + Rs.50/-).
Illustration (11)
Mr. ‘B’ , a Grade 15 employee, is drawing on 30-6-1982, basic pay of Rs.1150/- p.m. and D.A of Rs.115/- p.m. At the rate of 45% of his basic pay, the would come to .516/-. Since he is already in receipt of D.A. Rs.115/-, the D.A. admissible under this dispensation would be Rs.315/- Rs.115.200) P.. On 1-12-1982 after getting the annual increment of ib. 50/-, his pay will be .1200/- and accordingly his D.A will be Rs.320/- (Rs.120 + Rs.200).
2. In the one of future entrants, 1.0. those who join Government service on or after 1-7-1982, the amount of Dearness Allowance will be determined from time to time in accordance with the principle laid down in para 1 above.
3. The above Dearness Allowance
- will be calculated on basic pay;
- will be classified as a compensatory allowance and will not be subject to income tax;
- will not be included in the term “emoluments” for the purpose of recovery of house rent;
- will not be admissible to civil servants posted posted
- will not be admissible in the case of Government servant who is employed during L.T.R.;
- will be admissible during the entire period of leave, including leave preparatory to retirement, commencing from a date after 1-7-1982, but will not be admissible to those who are already leave/LPR since before 1-7-1982;
- will not be admissible during extra-ordinary leave;
- will be admissible during the period of suspension;
- and will be admissible to re-employed Government pensioners on the pay received in the relevant National Pay Scale during re-employment.
4. In calculating the monthly rate of the above allowance, a fraction of a rupee which is less than fifty paisa will be ignored and that of fifty paisa and more will count as one rupee.