Conveyance Allowance during Training or Study Leave dt 10.02.2016
Subject: Conveyance Allowance
Kindly refer to your letter No. PR-C. Study Leave/CD-101 dated 14.12.2015 on the subject noted above.
2. The case has been examined in the Finance Department and it is observed that Conveyance Allowance is not admissible during training/ study leave abroad vide letter No. F.D/S.RI-9-16/81 dated 26-12-1983 (copy enclosed).
Reference your letter NO.TM-I/1-3-2/83-84/3436, dated 10th December, 1983 on the subject noted above?
2. With regards to your observation that the decision to allow residence office conveyance allowance during study leave may be reconsidered; it may be pointed out that decision was taken after due consideration of the fact that conveyance allowance is admissible during training within the country and study leave is also for training purposes and expenditure thereon was partially borne by the Government and partly by individual himself and besides, it was encouraged that (i) qualifications being acquired was useful to the department and (ii) that officer would return to the department after obtaining qualifications. Hence decision to allow conveyance allowance during study leave is in order.
3. The only exception to the conveyance allowance would not be admissible certain to those who are posted outside Lahore and are not residing in Lahore is confirmed.