Compensatory Allowance House Rent Allowance and other Benefits 02.06.1972
Subject: Compensatory Allowance
I am directed to invite your attention to the Punjab (Non-gazetted) Civil Services (Pay Revision) Rules, 1972 whereby the National Pay Scales have been introduced. The Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to order that in supersession of all previous orders on the subject, the compensatory allowances and other benefits mentioned below shall be admissible to the regular non-gaze-ted Government servants drawing pay in the National Pay Scale, as follows:
- Children of non-gaze-ted Government servants drawing pay up to Rs.500 per mensem who are studying in the schools managed directly by the Punjab Government will be exempt from payment of tuition fees up to the Matriculation stage. In cases in which the children of this category of Government Servants are studying in schools other than the Government schools managed directly by the Punjab Government, the tuition fees charged by the schools will be reimbursed to the extent of the amount of the corresponding tuition fees in the Government schools managed directly by the Government. Such exemption/reimbursement will be admissible on the production of the following documents:
i) A certificate signed by the Government servant concerned, to the effect that the child for whom the exemption/reimbursement is being claimed is his/her legitimate son/daughter. (This certificate will be necessary only when a person joins the Punjab Government’s service or when a Government servant’s child enters schools when a Government servant joins Punjab Government office other than his former one or when a Government servant’s child changes his/her school).
ii) A certificate, signed by the Head of the School concerned stating that the child is studying in his/her school, and also stating the child’s parentage (father’s name when the Government servant is a male and father and mother’s name when the employee is female). Such certificate will be necessary only when a child enters the school for the first time.
iii) Receipt issued by the school every month in respect of the payment of tuition fee.
- The exemption from payment of fees mentioned in paragraph 2 above will be admissible only in the case of the children studying in the ordinary school. In case of the children studying in the special schools, managed directly by the Punjab Government, reimbursement of fees will be made in the manner prescribed for the purpose.
- House Rent Allowance shall be admissible at Lahore, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, and Multan to all non-gazetted Government servants posted at, and residing in, the aforementioned stations, whose pay does not exceed Rs. 500 per mensem subject to the following conditions:
i) The amount of the allowance shall be equal to the amount of the rent which the Government servant concerned actually pays in excess of 7 ½ per cent of his pay subject to a maximum of 15 per cent of the minimum of the National Pay Scale in which the Government servant is drawing pay.
ii) The allowance will not be admissible if the Government servant has been offered Government quarter or is living in a house which he owns or is living free of charge with another Government servant who has been provided with Government accommodation.
- All non-gaze-ted Government servants stationed at Lahore, and drawing pay not exceeding Rs.650 per mensem will be allowed Conveyance Allowance at the following rates:
i) Where the distance between the residence of Govt. servant and his place of duty is not less than three miles and not more than seven miles.
Rs.10 per mensem with marginal adjustment up to the pay of Rs.659 per mensem
ii) Where the distance is more than seven miles.
Rs.15 per mensem with marginal adjustment up to the pay of Rs.664 per mensem
- Washing Allowance will be admissible at the rate of Rs.3 per mensem to all non-gaze-ted Government servants drawing pay in the National Pay Scales No. 1, 2, 3, and 4 who are officially entitled to liveries.
- An allowance of Rs.5 per mensem will be paid to all Head Constables and Constables of the Police Department who maintain bicycle.
- (i) These instructions will apply with effect from the 1st day of March, 1972 to a non-gaze-ted Government servants drawing pay in the National Pay Scales.
(ii) Government servants who do not opt for the National Pay Scales shall continue to be governed by the rules, instruction, etc., regarding compensatory allowance which would have been applicable to them but for the issue of these instructions.
- The existing Compensatory Allowances, other than those mentioned in these instructions, shall continue to be admissible as at present, to all non-gaze-ted Government servants irrespective of the fact whether they opt for the National Pay Scale or for the Existing Pay Scales.
- These instructions are not applicable to the employees on work-charged or contingencies paid establishments.
I am directed to state that consequent upon the introduction of National Pay Scales 1972 for non-gaze-ted Government servants with effect from 1st March, 1972, it has been decided that an Anomalies Committee will be set up immediately with a view to resolving the anomalies, if any, in the pay scales of different categories of Government servants. The constitution of the Anomalies Committee will be as below:
- Additional Finance Secretary, Government of the Punjab. Chairman
- Deputy Secretary (Regulation) S&GAD Member
- Deputy Secretary (Service, Regulation, Finance Departments) Member
- Representative of the Administrative Deptt. concerned not below the rank of Dy. Secretary. Member
- Section Officer (Pay Revision), Finance Deptt. Secretary
- All cases involving anomalies in the National Pay Scales, or arising out of fixation of pay in the National Pay Scales, will be initially examined by the Administrative Department concerned. If as a result of such examination, the Administrative Department is satisfied that there is an anomaly, it will refer the matter to the above-mentioned Anomalies Committee for decision giving details in the following forms:
a) Name of the Administrative Department b) Name of the Office c) Designation of the post/designation and name of the Government servant (if any anomaly is respect of an individual). d) Exact nature of anomaly/difficulty (detailed description to be given) e) Reasons for considering it to be an anomaly (detailed reasons to be given) f) Number of Government servants placed in a similar position g) Solution proposed by the Administrative Department h) Reasons for proposed solution (detailed reasons to be given)
(Signature of the Administrative Secretary)
- In referring cases to the Anomalies Committee, the Administrative Departments should forward six complete sets of the papers containing the above information to the Secretary of the Anomalies Committee.