Revision of Basic Pay and Allowance and Pension 2005 11.11.2005
Subject: Basic Pay and Allowance
Kindly refer to your Memo. No. SO(Accounts)8-11/2005 dated 14.09.2005 on the subject cited above.
2. Your attention is invited to the Amendments in the Contract Appointment Policy notified by S&GAD No. OS(O&M)5-3/2004/Contract/MI dated 22.08.2005. In this regard Para-ll of the said letter is reproduced as under:-
“Where contract employees were appointed in the prescribed pay scale of the post prior to the issuance of the Policy on 29.12.2004 the terms and conditions prescribed in para 3(XIII)(1) of this Policy shall automatically become applicable as under these terms, 30% of the minimum of pay scale is allowed as social security benefit in lieu of pension.”
3. It is accordingly clarified that contract employees appointed against the civil posts on the prescribed pay scale are entitled for increase in their pay and allowances according to the Revision of Pay Scales, 2005 with effect from 01.07.2005.
Kindly refer to your letter No. PR ( C )BPS-83-87-91/Vol.XI/345 dated 07.03.1994, on the subject noted above.
- Finance Department is of the view that the Advance increments on obtaining higher qualification, when a civil servant has already reached the maximum of the scale are convertible to personal pay (equal to admissible advance increments) to be prescribed on moveover/promotion to next scale and this specific personal pay is not specified to be absorbed in future increments of the moveover scale. Hence, it is merely to be absorbed in toto as the element of pay on the stages of the moved over/promotion scale of the incumbent.