Author: arshad

Clarification – Appointment of widow under 17A and her marriage dt 11.02.2020OFFICE MEMORANDUMSubject: Appointment of widow Reference your order No. 2477-M/DC/EA- dated 28.12.2019 on the subject noted above.Point raised by D.C. KhushabViews of Regulations Wing, S&GADWhether widow of deceased Government Servant would be provided job on permanent basis or contract?As per Regulations Wing, S&GAD’s circular letter dated 29.10.2019, all recruitments under Rule 17-A shall be made on regular basis in future.If she is provided job on permanent basis, what will be the status if she remarry, whether she will be allowed to continue her service under Rule 17-A or otherwise?Once…

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Minimum Pension 2023 – Federal 05.07.2023OFFICE MEMORANDUMSubject: Minimum PensionThe undersigned is directed to refer to the Finance Division’s O.M. No. F. 15(1)-Reg.6/2018-644 dated 03.07.2018 on the subject cited above and to state that the President has been pleased to sanction with effect from 1st July, 2023, to increase in minimum pension from current rate of Rs.10,000/- per month to Rs.12,000/- per month to civil pensioners of the Federal Government including civilians paid from defence Estimates as well as Armed Forces Personnel and Civil Armed Forces Personnel.2. Similarly, minimum family pension allowed to the family of a retired government employee including…

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Clarification – Reimbursement of Medical Charges dt 19.05.2020OFFICE MEMORANDUMSubject: Reimbursement of Medical Charges I am directed to refer to your letter No.TM-I/H-3-9/2018-19/1019, dated 18.02.2020 on the subject cited above and furnish the following queries are as under:-Sr.#QueryReplies1Whether the mother is included in the list of family members of a civil servant?As per pay Revision-1983 Definition of “Family” the word “family” for the purpose of medical treatment shall also include parents of the Government Servant residing with and dependent on him.2Whether the neurosurgery treatment is reimbursable?Neurosurgery as advised by Authorized Medical Attendant in Provincial Government Hospital as per Section 2 read…

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Definition of the Family for the Purpose of Reimbursement of Medical Charges to Pensioner dt 15.04.2019OFFICE MEMORANDUMSubject: Reimbursement of Medical ChargesKindly refer to your No.TM-1/2-3A(iii)/2013-14/2721-2722, 22.01.2019, on the subject noted above.2. The case has been examined. Family has been defined as wife / husband, legitimate sons and daughters and stepchildren of a Government servant, wholly dependent upon him as per rule-2(c) of West Pakistan Medical Attendance Rules, 1959 (copy enclosed), whereas, parents of a Government servant wholly dependent upon him have also been included in the list of family for the purpose of reimbursement of medical as per Pay Revision,…

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Clarification – Appointment under Rule 17A omitted after 24.07.2024 dt 07.11.2024OFFICE MEMORANDUMSubject: Appointment under Rule 17AReference your letter No. KMP&R/1-1A/2024-25/CD-4732 dated 21.10.2024 on the subject noted above.The Regulations Wing, S&GAD has examined the matter and it is observed that:i) Rule 17-A has been omitted from the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment & Conditions of Service) Rules, 1974 after approval of the Provincial Cabinet Punjab Chief Minister, vide notification dated 24.07.2024. The said notification has also been published in “The Punjab Gazette” on 26.07.2024. It was a policy decision of the Government. No appointment under Rule 17-A can be made w.e.f. 24.07.2024…

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Diseases Covered in Reimbursement of Medical Charges dt 03.12.2012OFFICE MEMORANDUMSubject: Reimbursement of Medical ChargesIn continuation of this Department’s Notification No.FD.PC-2-2/2010 dated 15.07.2010, I am directed to state that the Competent Authority has been pleased to allow the following diseases for out-door reimbursement as well w.e.f. 22.09.2012:

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Competent Authority to issue Invalidation Medical Certificate – AG dt 17.04.1999OFFICE MEMORANDUMSubject: Invalidation Medical CertificatePlease refer to your memo No. DAO/LAH/240 dated 10.4.1999 on the above subject.Your kind attention is invited towards the Government of the Punjab Finance Department amendment letter No. FI.SR.III -4-55/87 dated 22-3-88(copy enclosed) according to which in the case of officials of B.S.1 to BS.15, the Medical Superintendent of District Health Quarter Hospital is competent to issue the invaliding certificate.

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Clarification – Rate of Special Allowance @ 15% after 30.06.2022 dt 18.08.2022OFFICE MEMORANDUMSubject: Rate of Special AllowanceI am directed to refer to your office letter No.TM-1/2-3A(IV)/2021-22/2971, dated 12.08.2022, on the subject cited above.2.The case has been examined and observed that the Finance Department’s letter No.FD.SR.V.3-1/2021, dated 20.07.2022 clearly mentions sanction of Special Allowance 2022 @15% of Basic Pay Scales, 2017 w.e.f. 01.03.2022. Now the Basic Pay Scales, 2022 have been introduced w.e.f. 01.07.2022. Therefore, the aforesaid allowance shall be admissible on Basic Pay Scales, 2017 as on 30.06.2022.

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Clarification – Payment of Allowances and Annual Increases to OSD Deceased dt 19.08.2024OFFICE MEMORANDUMSubject: Annual Increases to OSDIn continuation of this department’s letter bearing No.FD.SR-1/3-10/2004(P-II), dated 07.02.2024 and in pursuance of decision of the Provincial Cabinet in its 8th meeting held on 24.05.2024, I am directed to state that Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to approve following revision in the provision of Serial No.2(i) & 5 of Para-1 of Financial Assistance Package notified vide Finance Department’s policy letter bearing No.FD.SR-1/3-10/2004, dated 15.08.2017 for the families of civil servants who die while in service:ExistingRevisedThe deceased’s family shall be allowed…

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Clarification – Additional Incentive Allowance for Rs. 5000 to the Specialist posted at THQs dt 06.08.2020OFFICE MEMORANDUMSubject: Additional Incentive AllowanceI am directed to refer to your letters No. DAO/BWP/GAD-II/HM/865 dated 21.01.2020 on the subject noted above and letter No. FD.SR-I/6-4/2020 dated 21.07.2020 received from Section Officer (SR-I), Finance Department.2. The case has been examined. It is clarified that the incentive package at various rates for Specialists THQs was allowed an additional Rs. 5000/- per month was already added in the proposed incentive package for THQs following in three Divisions of Southern Punjab including District Mianwali and Bhakkar in the light…

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