Clarification – Entitlement of BS17 to Assistant Librarian and other Library Related Posts dt 19.02.2025
Subject: Assistant Librarian and other Library Related Posts
I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to state that a question has arisen as to whether the incumbents holding library related posts with different nomenclature, i.e., Librarian, Assistant Librarian and Cataloguer, etc. are entitled to grant of BS-17 on acquiring / possessing degree of Masters in Library Science or equivalent qualifications under the amendment in the Pay Revision Rules, 1977 notified vide Notification No.FD.PC.1-1/77(Pt-V)(Vol-III) dated 29.08.2024 read with clarification bearing No.FD.PC.1- 1/77(2022) dated 22.11.2022 or otherwise?
2. The case has been examined and observed that the above benefit is admissible to all incumbents holding library related posts with different nomenclature, i.e., Librarian, Assistant Librarian and Cataloguer, etc. subject to the conditions that they were appointed (by initial recruitment or by promotion) in BS-16 and they are holding Master’s Degree in Library Science or equivalent qualifications.