Appointment of Employees of Different Projects on Regular Basis After Conversion of Project From Development to Non-Dev Basis dt 23.07.2024
Subject: Appointment of Employees of Different Projects
1. Chief Minister, Punjab has been pleased to approve following guidelines for filling up the posts after their conversion from development to non- development side:
- all departments or organizations after conversion of project from development to non-development side and creation of posts through SNE shall frame service rules for the respective posts immediately
- recruitment process shall be initiated as per provisions of recruitment policy and be completed within three months positively after observing local or procedural formalities;
- the project staff may be allowed, as per standing instructions and provision of service rules, to continue for a maximum period of six months during which whole process of recruitment shall be completed;
- while making, recruitment, the project employees may be allowed nation in upper age for the period they have served in the project;
- for experience, in the relevant field including the experience of project, two marks per year upto the maximum of ten marks shall be granted to employees to recruitment in BS-1 to BS-15; and
- recruitment of posts in BS-16 and above shall be made through Punjab Public Service Commission.
2. The mode for appointment i.e. regular or contract, against the project sts after their conversion to non-development side, may be decided by the concerned department or organization.
3. If the posts are necessarily required to be filled on regular basis, case shall be placed before the Contract Appointment Regulations Committee (CARC) with full justification.
4. The above instructions shall be implemented in letter and spirit.