Anti Dated Proforma Promotion to Retired Employees 13.09.2006
Subject: Anti Dated Proforma Promotion to Retired Employees
Reference your letter dated 24-08-2006 on the above cited subject.
In this regard it is added that contents of Para-V and VI of the Proforma Promotion Policy issued vide Government of the Punjab S&GAD Department (Regulation Wing) dated 19-04-2003 are quite clear and accordingly a retired civil servant can not be a civil servant on his retirement, therefore, a retired person can not avail the benefit available exclusively to a civil servant, retired officer/official, therefore, can not be considered for promotion on notional basis.
Reply to the observation raised in paras I to III in your letter referred above is given as under.
- Approval of the relevant committee/board/ authority is required.
- Retired officers/officials can not be considered for promotion, however in case a civil servant was wrongfully prevented from promotion (III-A) and was subsequently promoted during his Service but could not get Proforma Promotion during his service and retired, such officers may be considered for Proforma Promotion provided he files representation to this effect during his service. The representation filed after his retirement shall not be considered.
- In case his claim is covered under para-V, he may be issued a pay slip.