Annual Increment after Maximum Stage 01.07.2006
Subject: Annual Increment after Maximum Stage
I am directed to refer to this Department’s letter No. FD.PC.2-1/2005, dated 16-07-2005 on the subject noted above and to say that certain queries have been raised about the admissibility of grant of annual increment beyond the maximum of the pay scales as personal pay to those employees who have reached the maximum of the pay scales after completion of 30 or 20 stages of the scale as the case may be and they are not likely to be promoted either having no upward mobility according to the prescribed rules or not mature for promotion due to non availability of vacancy in the upper tier.
2. In consultation with the Federal Government it is clarified that no benefit of usual annual increment is accrued beyond the prescribed scope of a basic pay scale and accordingly the employees who have reached the maximum of their pay scales on 01-07-2005 or thereafter are not entitled for any annual increment (on notional basis) beyond the maximum of relevant pay scale as personal pay.