Adhoc Relief Allowance 2024 – Federal 10.07.2024
(Regulations Wing)
F.No.1(1)Imp/2024-254 Islamabad, the 10″ July, 2024
Subject:- GRANT OF Adhoc Relief Allowance 2024 – Federal TO THE
The President has been pleased to sanction with effect from 1%
July, 2024 and till further orders, an Adhoc Relief Allowance 2024 – Federal to all the
Federal Government Employees i.e. Armed Forces Personnel, Civil Armed
Forces and Civil Employees of the Federal Government as well as the civilians
paid from Defence Estimates including contingent paid staff and contract
employees employed against civil posts in Basic Pay Scales on standard terms
and conditions of contract appointment. The rate of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2024 – Federal is as under:
i) BPS-1t0 16 @ 25% of Running Basic Pay
ii) BPS-17 1022 @ 20% of Running Basic Pay
- The amount of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2024 – Federal:
i) will be subject to Income Tax;
ii) will be admissible during leave and entire period of LPR
except during extra ordinary leave;
iif) will not be treated as part of emoluments for the purpose of
calculation of Pension/Gratuity and recovery of House
iv) will not be admissible to the employees during the tenure
of their posting/deputation abroad; and
v) will be admissible to the employees on their repatriation
from posting/deputation abroad at the rate and amount
Which would have been admissible to them had they not
been posted abroad.
- The term “Basic Pay” for the purpose of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2024 – Federal will also include the amount of the personal pay granted on account of
annual increment (s) beyond the maximum of the existing pay scales. - The above Adhoc Relief Allowance 2024 – Federal shall be accommodated
from within the budgetary allocation for the year 2024-25 by the respective
Ministries/Divisions/Departments and no supplementary grants would be given
on this account.
Government of Pakistan has also announced to increased the Pension of the Civil Pension W.e.f from 01.07.2024 @ 15% to all the pensioners . Use this link to view the Pension Increase of the retired Federal Government employees of Pakistan https://s2e.com.pk/pension-increase/
Whereas, Punjab Government has also announced to Increase pension 15% wef 01.07.2024 however Punjab Government did not allow increase of Pension to those retirees who retire on or after 01.07.2024 meaning thereby Punjab Government Employee retiring after 01.07.2024 are not entitled for Pension Increase 2024 as well as he also not entitled for Pension Increase 2023. Notification of Punjab Government Employees has also been attached https://s2e.com.pk/pension-increase/. Moreover Punjab Government has announced vide its notification dated 02.07.2024 that the any employee hired or converted from contract Employment. Further Punjab Government has also introduced pension reforms https://finance.punjab.gov.pk/pension_reforms which are hereunder
Government of the Punjab, as one of its reform initiatives, has simplified the process for the grant of pension, as well as its monthly disbursements through computerized pension-roll crediting directly to the respective bank account.
The new procedure, effective from January 01, 2013, entails a one page sanction orders to be issued by the Pension Sanctioning Authority, replacing the age old voluminous paper work. The new system is friendly and approaches the retiring civil servant instead of the retiree running after his/her case.
Using innovative IT based solutions, the pensioners would be spared the agony of visiting the treasury officer for personal appearance, beside submission of vouchers for withdrawal of monthly pension. The pension shall be paid automatically into the bank account of the pensioner ever month in any bank branch of his/her choice, and can be accessed through ATM/Debit Cards.
This revolutionary step of Government of the Punjab is transparent and risk-free, and would ameliorate the difficulties of the pensioners forging a seamless transition of retiring a civil servant from pay-roll to pension-roll. It adds another milestone to the visionary leadership of the Chief Minister, Punjab.