Referral to Private Hospital under Medical Reimbursement dt 20.08.2019
Subject: Medical Reimbursement
Please find enclosed herewith, copy of medical bill submitted by Mr. Rizwan Tariq, Assistant Audit Officer, office of the Regional Director Audit, D.G. Khan.
2. In this regard, following points may be cleared to this office as per rule for further processing of the bill.
- Authenticity of the bill/claim of Rs. 719,111/- for reimbursement may be verified.
- Your office has referred the patient for further free investigation and treatment to Quaid-e- Azam Hospital, Islamabad vide letter No. 34/5812- 13/ dated 01.02.2018 and No. 34/14400-01 dated 27.04.2018. (copy enclosed). Whether, the treatment was not available in any Govt. Hospital? If not under what rule the patient was referred to a private hospital?
This issue with the approval of Director General.