Clarification – Appointment of widow under 17A and her marriage dt 11.02.2020
Subject: Appointment of widow
Reference your order No. 2477-M/DC/EA- dated 28.12.2019 on the subject noted above.
- The Regulations Wing, S&GAD has examined the matter and its reply point-wise is given below in an annotated form:
Point raised by D.C. Khushab | Views of Regulations Wing, S&GAD |
Whether widow of deceased Government Servant would be provided job on permanent basis or contract? | As per Regulations Wing, S&GAD’s circular letter dated 29.10.2019, all recruitments under Rule 17-A shall be made on regular basis in future. |
If she is provided job on permanent basis, what will be the status if she remarry, whether she will be allowed to continue her service under Rule 17-A or otherwise? | Once she joined the service on regular basis she became a civil servant who cannot be deprived of her job on account of re-marrying. However, if she had married before joining service, another legal heir of the deceased might have been considered for this benefit. |
If she was appointed on contract basis and she remarry whether her contract will be terminated or otherwise? | The contract employees are governed under the terms and conditions of their appointment. If no embargo, as to re-marrying, has been imposed in these T&Cs, then it cannot be made the basis of contract termination. |
In case of contract widow, remarry whether she is eligible for regularization under Regularization Act 2018? | Regularization of a contract employee is to be made in the light of the Regularization Act, 2018. If she meets the conditions laid down in the act ibid, she is eligible for regularization. Her re-marrying may not prejudice her case under the act ibid. |
In case of termination of services of widow on the ground of remarriage, whether the right of job under Rule 17-A will also be exhausted or claimed by his son/daughter of deceased government servant or otherwise? | In the light of observations given above, such a question does not arise. |
Further necessary action may be taken accordingly.